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The EC Coordinator addresses “Antisemitism online – The role of prevention and education in tackling antisemitic hate speech”

At the online conference “Antisemitism online –The role of prevention and education in tackling antisemitic hate speech”, organised by the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Commission presented the work carried out at the EU level on combating hate speech online, including antisemitism, and discussed the role of the upcoming Digital Service Act and the EU Strategy on antisemitism in tackling illegal hate speech.

Literature on Rights of the Child

Asylkoordination Osterreich – the network for Austrian NGOs offers a vast database of literature related to the rights of the child. Although most of the material is in German, some materials are in English too.

24 Years in the field of healthcare

“The Smile of the Child" celebrated its 24 years of action in the field of healthcare in the presence of H.E The President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos. The Greek Organisation awarded the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Mr Christos Stylianidis in recognition of his work towards providing assistance to vulnerable children in Greece and around the world. 'The Smile of the Child' is an official partner of the European Commission in the field of humanitarian aid (DG ECHO).

EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism

The Commission will launch an open call for tender for setting up an EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism (two-year pilot project). The EU Centre will act as a hub of expertise and provide for concrete and practical actions with a positive impact on victims of terrorism. In particular, it will provide for guidelines and training activities on implementation of the EU rules and will set up lists of the relevant experts available at national level. For more information see: