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Joint statement by Didier REYNDERS, European Commissioner for Justice, and Eric DUPOND-MORETTI, Keeper of the Seals and Minister for Justice, concerning 116 006, the single European victim support line

On the European Day for Victims of Crime, 22 February, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals, Minister for Justice and President of the Council of EU Justice Ministers, and Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice, call on all Member States to implement and promote 116 006, the European number for the care and referral of all victims.

date:  21/02/2022

Since 30 November 2009, 116 006 has been the dedicated helpline for victims of crime throughout Europe. Thirteen Member States have since then implemented this ambitious mechanism to provide a referral and information service to these victims.

‘The 116 006 helpline should enable all Europeans, if they are unlucky enough to be victims in another EU country, to get the support they need quickly and efficiently. I call on as many Member States as possible to adopt it,’ said Eric Dupond-Moretti, Keeper of the Seals, Justice Minister and President of the Council of EU Justice Ministers on the European Day for Victims.

‘In the European Union, we have a strong framework for victims’ rights. However, it is important that all victims are able to benefit fully from the support available to them. The 116 006 helpline is a useful support tool in this regard. It should become a reference throughout Europe. I join Eric Dupond-Moretti in encouraging all Member States to adopt this number,’ said the Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders.

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission wish to highlight the success of this measure.

The 116 006 helpline provides, through trained professionals, initial information and care for all victims who request it anonymously and confidentially, in social, legal and psychological matters, before, during and after seeking redress.

Eric Dupond-Moretti and Didier Reynders invite all Member States to make use of the 116 006 helpline for the benefit of their citizens, in the conviction that it is a necessary tool for providing information and care to victims.

A single number gives all European victims of a criminal offence, wherever it takes place, easy access to a support service. It makes it possible for victims from another Member State to identify easily and quickly the assistance available to them. Moreover, harmonising emergency numbers across the European Union, including 116 006, directly contributes to the sense of belonging to the European Union, one of the three pillars of the French Presidency.

France, which currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission therefore call on all Member States to make 116 006 a go-to number for all Europeans and to make this service available throughout the EU.

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