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The Commission co-organises training for Croatian national security intitutions on raising awareness about antisemitism

7 June 2021 - The European Commission together with the OSCE ODIHR and the World Jewish Congress organised the training on 'Raising Awareness and Building Effective Communication between National Security Institutions and the Jewish Community in Croatia'. Katharina von Schnurbein, Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, gave an opening speech in which she highlighted the rise in antisemitism and the need to combat it, including through the upcoming Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life in the EU. Wester Meijdam, Policy Officer, gave an overview of the challenges faced by today's Jewish community in Europe and the EU policies to combat antisemitism and foster Jewish life. He focused on the need to improve data collection and recording of antisemitic incidents, and highlighted funding opportunities to combat antisemitism.

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Combating antisemitism

date:  07/06/2021

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The event aimed to raise awareness among law enforcement officials about Jewish history and culture in Croatia and to strenghten the understanding of the security challenges that the Jewish community is facing today. The training offered a platform for open communication between the law enforcement authorities and the Jewish coommunity in the country, where both had the chance to share their concerns and together find ways to address them. 

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