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Verifying Nuclear Disarmament: Lessons Learned in South Africa, Iraq and Libya

Inspections in the 1990s and early 2000s in South Africa, Iraq and Libya were designed to discover the details of nuclear weapon programmes and destroy any remnants. As the global norm against nuclear weapons strengthens, the international community may once more require verification of a state’s denuclearization

Food Insecurity in Africa: Drivers and Solutions

This paper explores how climate change, violent conflict, the Covid-19 pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis combine to drive rapidly increasing levels of food insecurity. These drivers play out differently across and within regions and countries, and this paper focuses on how a combination of the drivers plays out on the African continent.

Digital divide: Who in Africa is connected and who is not

Digital connectivity through information and communications technologies (ICTs) has been recognised as critical for every country’s future development and prosperity. And while access to ICTs is an objective in its own right, ICTs have cross-cutting effects and are important for the achievement of many of the other SDGs as well.

Majority of Ugandans see domestic violence as a private – not criminal – matter

Survey findings show that gender-based violence ranks at the top of Ugandans’ priorities among women’s-rights issues that need government and societal attention. Most citizens reject a husband’s use of physical force to discipline his wife, but half report that violence against women and girls is a common occurrence in their community.

Beyond Hunger: The gendered impacts of the global hunger crisis

Girls and women are at greater risk of gender-based violence as a result of global food shortages, according to this new report. Girls risk becoming “invisible” victims as a combination of the climate crisis, conflict in Ukraine and other countries, and economic shocks have left 50 million people worldwide on the brink of starvation.

Foresight Africa 2023 - Top priorities for the continent in 2023

Africa’s economic recovery is currently threatened by multiple crises and a precarious external environment. The war in Ukraine and global surge in inflation have ripped open the scars of the pandemic. Fragility in parts of the continent and adverse weather conditions are also key concerns. With these challenges, it is easy to be pessimistic about Africa’s prospects, and yet, Africa has proved resilient—time and time again.

Batswana see gender-based violence as a priority for government and societal action

Findings of this survey show that Batswana view gender-based violence (GBV) as the most important women’s-rights issue that the government and society must address, overwhelmingly reject the use of physical force to discipline women, consider domestic violence a criminal matter rather than a family affair, are confident that the police treat reported GBV cases seriously

China-Africa relations

What are China’s objectives in Africa, how valid is the concept of ‘debt trap’ diplomacy, and what are China’s military ambitions in the region?

Somalia: drought and rising costs take hold

The economic, environmental, political and social contexts at the local, national and regional levels are continually evolving, and regional to global events such as the economic repercussions of Covid-19 are being felt at the local level. This brief aimes to capture how pastoralists, agropastoralists and farmers are coping with and adapting their livelihoods to this dynamism.

Exploring systemic risk management as a contribution to the HDP nexus

There is growing interest in understanding and acting on the intersection of risks from disaster management, climate, peacebuilding and development perspectives. The humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus seeks to galvanise action in light of persistently high humanitarian needs and overlapping crises across economic, environmental, human, political, security, and societal dimensions..

MENA and the Global Energy Conundrum

The Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) is addicted to fossil fuels, but so too is the rest of the world economy. Solutions to the energy transition have thus to be found in a coordinated global shift in both the supply and demand for fossil fuels and clean(er) energy, where multilateral institutions can play an important role.

Growth Performance of Middle-Income Countries: East Asia vs. Latin America

The stellar performance of the four East Asian Tiger economies during the last quarter of the twentieth century is contrasted with that of middle-income countries in Southeast Asia and Latin America over the past two decades. On balance, the Southeast Asian countries have done better than Latin American countries by pursuing export-led industrial strategies, however, unlike the Tigers, neither group has been able to enter the ranks of high-income countries.

Tapping the potential of borrower-led multilateral development banks

About 30 multilateral development banks (MDBs) operate across the globe today. While the World Bank and major regional MDBs have a high profile, most MDBs are less well known. In light of the serious challenges facing the world and the limitations of other development agencies, it should be a priority to integrate these MDBs into the international agenda and strengthen their capacity.

AU at 20: skillfully navigating international relations crucial for the AU

In a rapidly shifting global order and faced with increasing risks to Africa's peace and security, the African Union (AU) is compelled to strengthen its relationships with external partners. Refocusing its engagement with these organisations to meet continental peace and security priorities has been part of its institutional reform process started in 2016.

Thinking and working politically on African economic integration

Economic integration has been high on the African policy agenda since the early days of independence in the 1950s and 1960s, concretised in the Abuja Treaty of 1991. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), launched in 2021, is the culmination of those early continental ambitions, and is cited as Africa’s response to the economic damage caused by COVID-19.

The Future of Global Health Spending Amidst Multiple Crises

This paper summarizes the implications of the macroeconomic context and broader financing outlook for domestic and external health spending and proposes a “menu” of policy options to keep health spending on track and blunt negative impacts on health systems and population health around the world.