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Challenges and Changes: The Political Economy of National Development Banks in Africa

This synthesis report offers an examination of national development banks (NDBs) in Africa, drawing from case studies in four countries: Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Rwanda and Tunisia. It discusses their evolution in governance structures and operations, their financial and developmental performance, and the challenges they face within their operating environments.

Rethinking Resettlement and Return in Nigeria’s North East

Authorities are keen to return or resettle the millions of people who fled homes in Borno state, the epicentre of fighting with Islamist militants in north-eastern Nigeria. But risks abound. The government should slow down its effort, focusing on protecting the displaced from further harm.

Migration Outlook 2023

The world faces a number of crises that interact with increasing velocity and impact, a situation that is described as a state of “global polycrisis”. A new migration environment is shaped by the continued effects of long-term trends and drivers, increasing economic and demographic imbalances, climate change, growing geopolitical competition and the instrumentalisation of migration as a means of hybrid aggression.

Scaling up African clean energy

This paper looks at possibilities for scaling up renewable energy deployment in African countries in the 2020s and 2030s – not just as a way to increase energy access, but as a clear and timely opportunity for African economies to benefit from the global green transition.

Armenia-Azerbaijan: Nagorno-Karabakh blockade

Since 12 December 2022, Azerbaijani ‘eco-activists’ have blocked the Lachin corridor. They state that the main reason for the blockade is to stop the mining of gold and copper in the area The Lachin corridor connects Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia and is crucial for the transportation of essential goods to ethnic Armenian people residing in the region.

Global Risks Report 2023

The next decade will be characterized by environmental and societal crises, driven by underlying geopolitical and economic trends. Cost-of-living crisis is ranked as the most severe global risk over the next two years, peaking in the short term. Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse is viewed as one of the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade, and all six environmental risks feature in the top 10 risks over the next 10 years.

The values of wildlife revisited

Wild animals are important worldwide because of the multiple values they represent for human societies. Different frameworks have been proposed to understand the values of wildlife from economic and noneconomic perspectives.

Participation and marginalization in water governance: probing the agency of powerholders

There is growing awareness that both the practice and science of participation in water governance continue to suffer from blind spots with regard to questions of power and equity. This article presents an analytical frame that helps explore how participatory processes initiated by water reforms can better address the needs and interests of marginalized groups.

Primary Health Care for Resilient Health Systems in Latin America

Latin American countries were hard hit by COVID-19 with rates of excess mortality above the OECD average. The pandemic brought additional stress to health systems already overstretched by a growing burden of chronic diseases, unequal access to health care services, overall under-investment in health and strong budgetary restrictions, and systemic inefficiencies.

Turning to regions and local governments to rebuild Ukraine

This policy response highlights how Ukraine’s regional development and decentralisation reforms, adopted after the 2014 Maidan Revolution, have contributed to the resilience of the country’s regions and municipalities following Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine

How Huthi-Saudi Negotiations Will Make or Break Yemen

After nearly eight years of war in Yemen, talks are under way between the Huthi rebels and Saudi Arabia. Yet, by themselves, these discussions cannot bring hostilities to a close. The UN should begin laying the groundwork for negotiations that include all the conflict parties.

Chad’s Transition: Easing Tensions Online

Chadians’ growing use of social media could prove a boon for the country’s political transition, but it could also fuel violence offline. With donor backing, authorities, civil society, online platforms and influencers should work to ensure social media remains a space for democratic debate rather than an accelerator of conflict.

Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples' Claim for Access?

This book investigates the impact of the United Nations General Assembly's 2010 resolution that elevated rights to water and sanitation are stand-alone international human rights. A major goal of creating this new human right was to incentivize governments to prioritize and pursue policies to improve access to affordable, potable water to the more than 750 million people worldwide who lacked access, as well as to provide the more than 2.5 billion people with inadequate sanitation.