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The Geopolitics of Seawater Desalination

Water desalination is gradually emerging as the leading solution to cope with increasing water stress: i.e., the imbalance between water demand and quantities available. The United Nations estimates that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will be affected by such challenges.

Economic Development in an Era of Climate Change

Climate change will radically alter how poor countries pursue economic development—with ramifications for national development strategies, the field of global development, and the shape of international security.

2022 Retrospective and Trends for 2023

At the end of 2022, looking ahead to 2023, there are some surprising grounds for optimism, even though many of the risks pointed to have come to pass. These trends include how multilateralism played a surprisingly successful role in Ukraine, considering as that the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the UN resolutions that passed relating to the conflict, along with agreements during the G20 summit in Bali.

The World’s Humanitarian, Economic, and Political Engagement with Afghanistan

The August 2021 fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its replacement by the Taliban ended a two decade chapter of economic and social development. As of December 2021, 98% of the population lacked sufficient food and 90% were projected to be living in poverty. By summer 2022, the economy had shrunk by 20-30%.

Colombia Risk analysis update

In 2022, the armed conflict in Colombia worsened and led to increased levels of violence that affected at least 12 departments, most notably in the Pacific region and along the borders with Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. This risk report seeks to inform humanitarian decision makers and facilitate response planning. It provides an update on previous risks and the the identification of new risks.

The Human Right to Citizenship

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the right to citizenship in international and regional human rights law. It critically reflects on the limitations of state sovereignty in nationality matters and situates the right to citizenship within the existing human rights framework. It also identifies the scope and content of the right to citizenship by looking not only at statelessness, deprivation of citizenship or dual citizenship, but more broadly at acquisition, loss and enjoyment of citizenship in a migration context.

AI governance and human rights

This research paper aims to dispel myths about human rights; outline the principal importance of human rights for AI governance; and recommend actions that governments, organizations, companies and individuals can take to ensure that human rights are the foundation for AI governance in future.

Free trade zones and illicit gold flows in Latin America and the Caribbean

Free trade zones are vulnerable to illicit trade; despite many governments and zone operators taking steps to mitigate these vulnerabilities, they remain especially acute in trading operations of specific goods. High-risk gold originating in Latin America and the Caribbean is often laundered within the region before advancing to destination markets.

Conflict Minerals, Inc.: War, Profit and White Saviourism in Eastern Congo

As a result of fervent activism and international campaigning, the flagship case of "conflict minerals" has captured global attention. This term groups together the artisanal tin, tantalum (coltan), tungsten and gold originating from war zones in Central Africa. Known as "digital minerals" for their use in high-end technology, their exploitation and trade has been singled out in numerous media and United Nations reports as a key driver of violence, provoking an unprecedented popular outcry and prompting transnational efforts to promote 'conflict-free', ethical mining.

Clean Water and Sanitation

The present volume of the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is dedicated to SDG 6 "Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all". Water and sanitation are fundamental to human well-being. Integrated water resources management is essential to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all and to the realization of Sustainable Development.

Pensions at a Glance Asia/Pacific

Asia’s pension systems urgently need to be reformed to ensure that they are both financially sustainable and provide adequate retirement incomes. This report examines the retirement-income systems of 11 non-OECD countries in the region, comparing the results with a selection of OECD countries.

Public–Private Partnership Monitor: Kazakhstan

Exploring the public–private partnership (PPP) environment in Kazakhstan, this report assesses the country’s progress in creating better conditions for PPPs, to increase its infrastructure funding and improve service delivery.

Biodiversity Conservation Through Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS): Himalayas and Indian Sub-Continent

This book deals with the economic potentials of biodiversity and its capacity to support its own conservation aiming to provide livelihood for millions engaged in conservation, both now and for future generations. It highlights the potentials of natural resources which are characterized as capital wealth (as defined in Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)), to finance its own conservation and to provide livelihood means to people who conserve it.

SDG4 scorecard progress report on national benchmarks: focus on early childhood

Three in four countries have submitted benchmarks, or national targets, to be achieved by 2025 and 2030 for at least some of seven SDG 4 indicators: early childhood education attendance; out-of-school rates; completion rates; gender gaps in completion rates; minimum proficiency rates in reading and mathematics; trained teachers; and public education expenditure.

Global Compact on Refugees - Indicator Framework 2022

The Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) indicator framework is the backbone of the biennial GCR indicator report supporting assessment of progress towards the objectives of the Global Compact and its cross-cutting ambition to operationalize the principle of burden- and responsibility-sharing.