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From Buffer to Frontier: Ukraine and the EU

In June 2022, the European Union granted candidate status to Ukraine. A strong political statement, which was welcomed as such in Kyiv. But for a country at war, symbols do not suffice.

Nigeria vor den Wahlen 2023

Über 93 Millionen Nigerianer sind am 25. Februar aufgerufen, im bevölkerungsreichsten Land Afrikas einen neuen Präsidenten zu wählen. Der amtierende Präsident Muhammadu Buhari wird nach zwei Amtszeiten verfassungsgemäß die Macht übergeben. Von schicksalhaften und die Zukunft des Landes bestimmenden Wahlen ist in Nigeria die Rede.

Journey to extremism in Africa - Pathways to recruitment and disengagement

Informed by primary research with nearly 2,200 respondents – including more than 1,000 former members of violent extremist groups – this report is the most extensive study yet on what drives people to violent extremism. It investigates what drives people to the brink of recruitment, the 'tipping point’ - and ultimately, the 'turning point' that informs their decision to leave these groups behind.

AUDA-NEPAD 2022 Annual Report

The COVID-19 pandemic has set Africa’s economic convergence with the world economy back. Africa’s economic growth was projected to decelerate to 4.1% in 2022 and 2023, 8 percentage points lower than the growth rate for the rest of the world.

Profiles of earthquake-affected areas in Turkey and Syria

As at 12 February the death toll in Türkiye and Syria was more than 28,000, which is expected to continue to rise with the ongoing search and rescue efforts. The affected population needs shelter, warm winter clothes, food, heating, blankets. Medical needs are also substantial, along with the damage to critical health infrastructure and lack of medical supplies.

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2023

This briefing sets out eight priorities the AU should focus on in 2023: reforming its own institutions; nurturing agreements in Ethiopia and Sudan; urging regional cooperation around the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam; easing tensions in the Great Lakes and Central Africa; and steering talks to unlock Libya’s stalemated transition.

In the face of war, a year of action in Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war, UNESCO has been advocating for respect for international humanitarian law and implementing emergency measures in Ukraine as part of its mandate for education, science, culture, information and communication.

Ethiopia: impact of drought in Oromia and Somali regions

The duration and severity of the current drought in Ethiopia, which began in late 2020, has surpassed the droughts of 2010–2011 and 2016–2017, with the country facing a fifth failed rainy season. By September 2022, an estimated 24.1 million people were affected by the drought, up from 13.8 million people in August.

Parliament in Ethiopia: Participation, Representation and Resistance

African legislatures remain understudied, yet democratisation, development and peacebuilding all depend on these key political institutions. This book provides an in-depth analysis of Ethiopia’s parliament, a country of key political and strategic importance to the whole region.

Africa’s Railway Renaissance: The Role and Impact of China

This book investigates the history, political economy and spatiality of Chinese railway projects in Africa. It examines the financial governance of Sino-African railway projects, their socio-cultural, political and economic effects as well as the regional dimension of Africa’s new railway architecture and its function within China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Afghanistan. Analysis of localisation challenges

This report aims to develop a preliminary understanding of the different challenges that NNGOs face in Afghanistan, as identified through a review of existing literature and additional conversations with NNGOs, INGOs, and some coordination actors.

Asia-Pacific Small States: Political Economies of Resilience

Both the spread of Covid-19 and the intense US-China rivalry have been sources of stress for national economies throughout Asia Pacific. The authors of this book, eschewing the usual focus on the region's powerhouses, turn their attention instead to the coping strategies of the smaller economies.