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Open consultation on the next FET Proactive Horizon 2020 Work Programme

Do you have a great idea for a future technology, far beyond what is currently possible? Could it become real if Europe's best minds were put on the task? Share your views and contribute to the identification of the themes of tomorrow's FET Proactive programme. The consultation is open until 30 April 2016.

date:  10/02/2016 - 30/04/2016

The essence of FET is to stimulate the technological breakthroughs that will bring about radical change in the future.

The aim of this open consultation for FET Proactive is to identify new ideas for game-changing future technologies that will lay the basis for future economic and societal benefits for Europe in the longer term.

This consultation takes place in the context of the preparation for the FET Work Programme for the period 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020. It is specific for the FET Proactive scheme and another consultation dedicated to FET Flagships is also running in parallel. More details and background information are also available here.

To participate, join the Digital4Science platform and post your idea (describing your vision for a game-changing future technology, the work needed and the opportunity), and/or comment on proposed ideas.