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ICT Proposers' Day 2016 - Registration open

ICT Proposers' day 2106 is a networking event promoting European ICT Research & Innovation and focusing on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-17. Registration is now open for this event.

Harnessing the full power of renewable energy with hydrogen

Hydrogen has the highest mass energy density of any fuel, making it an extremely effective medium for energy storage and distribution. As Europe deploys more renewable capacity, from vast wind farms to roof-top solar arrays, hydrogen is set to be an essential integrator, harnessing excess power generation, balancing intermittent supply and demand, and ultimately helping support a clean, efficient and sustainable energy system.

Cleaner urban transport with hydrogen buses

Trials in cities around the world have demonstrated that fuel-cell passenger buses can cut emissions and noise pollution while providing good quality public transport. New EU-funded projects could double Europe’s fleet of hydrogen buses – reducing vehicle and infrastructure costs per bus to boost take-up of the technology.

Hydrogen drives Europe towards emissions-free transport

A clean revolution is quietly taking place on Europe’s roads. Hydrogen fuel cells are powering fleets of public buses and refuelling stations are being deployed. Building on the results of several pilot projects, uptake of the technology is accelerating rapidly, putting hydrogen fuel cells in a position to underpin zero-emissions transport Europe-wide.

Cutting congestion with connected driving

'Connected driving' technologies will enable vehicles to connect and share information with one another, as well as with infrastructure and other parts of the transport network. Eventually this will facilitate decision-making, reducing the likelihood of collisions and helping improve traffic flow. But for this to happen, more accurate positioning information is needed - which is where the EU-funded HIGHTS project comes in.

New aeroplane wing tests a flying success

Rigorous wind tunnel tests have shown that a new flexible deformable aircraft wing concept developed by EU-funded researchers can increase lift during take-off, achieve greater efficiencies in flight and reduce noise.

Virtual tests for aircraft innovation safety

New materials can make aircraft greener and quieter. But how would these planes behave in an emergency water landing? An EU-funded project's experiments and computer simulation tools are contributing to better understanding of the complicated phenomena involved in developing even safer and more cost-effective designs.

Commission moves to strengthen research integrity

The EU's Horizon 2020 research funding programme has now a more specific set of rules on research integrity to be followed by beneficiaries. This is thanks to the new provisions in the Horizon 2020 Model Grant Agreement.

Preventing fires on the latest generation of aircraft

The AircraftFire project is helping aircraft manufacturers and regulators better plan for and prevent fires with new aircraft designs that use composite materials. The data and integrated tool for predicting the consequences of an on-board fire are already available to manufacturers and regulators.

Charging electric vehicles on the move

Long journey? Electric car? Will you reach your destination before you run out of juice? Or will you have to recharge somewhere along the way? Range anxiety is one of the main bottlenecks slowing the advance of electromobility, but solutions are being found. On-road charging is a particularly promising approach, say EU-funded researchers.

Standards for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation presents a new set of challenges that require novel approaches to integrate new technologies including internet of things, cloud computing, cybersecurity and big data.

Engage and learn how senior level executives are making the digital shift in the energy, manufacturing and transport sectors.

A propulsive fuselage for the planes of the future

More energy efficient, less polluting, and not too different from current designs: an innovative aircraft concept developed by an EU-funded project could help reduce the environmental impact of aviation. The main aim of the research was to study the practical implementation of distributed propulsion and the implications of using hybrid power architectures, i.e. architectures that combine different power sources such as gas turbines, advanced batteries or fuel cells.

A smoother road for tyre development

A more advanced computer model and measurement approach enable manufacturers to more accurately predict tyre performance on the road. Developed by an EU-funded project, the model and approach could aid in the design of higher-performing, safer and quieter tyres and boost the industry's competitiveness.

Is your interchange all it could be?

Cycling to the station, half an hour on the train, then five stops on the bus... it's all much easier if the transfers from one mode of urban transport to the next are seamless. An EU-funded project has produced guidance for the optimal design and management of interchanges.