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Safer cruise ships thanks to EU-funded research

The Costa Concordia and South Korean Sewol ferry tragedies have highlighted the importance of safety in passenger shipping. Thanks to EU-funded research, evacuating large passenger ships should be smoother and safer in future. EU-funded researchers are also helping to design more stable cruise ships and ferries.

Car collision avoidance sensors inspired by locusts

Efficiently detecting possible collisions is vital for the locust - an insect that often needs to quickly overcome big obstacles and avoid what might be, otherwise, a 'fatal crash'. The research team involved in the European Union (EU)-funded project NEURAL DEVELOPMENT has studied the insect's nerve circuits. The project results are expected to help develop highly accurate collision sensors in cars, surveillance technology and video games.

Automating unmanned aircraft transportation

Today's personal transportation is mainly made up of ground vehicles, which are limited by low speed and high fuel consumption. To make travel quicker and more efficient, the European Union (EU)-funded project PPlane has taken the first steps to developing a Personal Air Transport System (PATS) that aims at providing additional links between remote locations and international hubs.

My car drives, parks and charges itself for me

Imagine you are rushing to catch a train but must first park your electric car inside the station garage. You lose precious time searching for a space, ideally one where you can charge your vehicle, which might cause you to miss the train. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just drop off the car in front of the station and let it do the rest? Soon it will be possible, thanks to V-CHARGE, an EU ICT research project. Successful tests took place at Stuttgart airport in April 2014.

EU-industry partnerships take off

Research partnerships between the EU, the private sector and Member States presented their first calls for projects and partners under Horizon 2020, the EU's €80 billion research and innovation programme, at an event in Brussels on 9 July 2014.

CASCADE: reducing energy use by airports

Airports are big energy consumers – and that’s before a plane takes off or lands. The daily electricity and thermal energy used by a large airport compares to that of a city of 100,000 people.

JTI launch event - 9 July 2014, Brussels

Public-private partnerships set up under the EU's new research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020, will launch their first calls on 9 July 2014 in Brussels. The partnerships work in strategic areas such as medicines, fuel cells, air and rail transport or electronics. They represent an essential investment into Europe's economy and in a better quality of life.

They will launch calls for projects and partners at a stakeholder event in Brussels, which will be attended by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso along with the Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn as well as Commission Vice-Presidents Siim Kallas, responsible for mobility and transport, and Neelie Kroes, responsible for the digital agenda.

Volume down for noisy traffic

A new road surface cuts tyre noise to one-tenth of that produced on today’s asphalt. EU-funded researchers have now moved tests from the lab to Europe’s roads, with the aim of providing a quieter, less stressful life for those living next to lots of traffic.

Saving lives with dynamic emergency exit signs

In an emergency evacuation, indicating the safest exit can save lives. EU-funded researchers hope to minimise casualties with a smart sign system able to determine the safest exit and point people towards it. Trials have been encouraging, and discussions are underway on further developing some of the project’s ground-breaking technologies.

AMAA 2014: the 18th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications

The topic of the AMAA 2014 will be “Smart Systems for Safe, Clean and Automated Vehicles”. Leading engineers and scholars from all around the world are cordially invited to participate in the dialogue and submit proposals for papers addressing ongoing research and novel developments in this field. A special attention will be given to topics covered in public funding programs like the European Green Vehicles Initiative PPP.

Flight plan for innovative aircraft

EU-funded researchers have developed advanced computer simulations to assess an aircraft’s ability to handle the extreme forces experienced in flight – before it even leaves the design studio. The new techniques aim to save manufacturers time and money and deliver more innovative, fuel-efficient aircraft – good for Europe’s competitiveness and the environment.

ITS 2014 European Congress

 “ITS in your pocket – proven solutions driving user services” is the theme of the 10th ITS European Congress.

Where a tyre contacts a road – a blueprint for a better interaction

Driving could become safer, quieter and greener thanks to TYROSAFE, an EU-funded project that has completed research on road surface and tyre interactions. A follow-on project is already using the results to develop common standards across Europe for monitoring such interactions.

Research to help reduce the risk of aircraft accidents

Automation is supposed to relieve an aircraft pilot’s workload and reduce errors. The reality can unfortunately be very different sometimes. When the pilot and the aircraft do not interact as foreseen, automation technology can be the cause of disturbing instability, which has resulted in catastrophic failures. Tools and techniques developed by the EU-funded ARISTOTEL project are already being used by industry, and should reduce the risk of such accidents.

ILA 2014 Berlin Air Show

ILA Berlin Air Show taking place from May 20-25, 2014 represents the market place and meeting platform for the global aerospace industry, all suppliers and service providers as well as all international clients.