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Stay away from non-state armed groups

Should we back the world's freedom fighters? If we are sympathetic to their cause, we may consider it a moral duty, even if others see them as terrorists. There is certainly nothing new about countries providing support to non-state armed groups (NAGs). But it is not a successful strategy in the long run, according to EU-funded research.

Biomimicry for airport security

New technologies are progressively changing the face of airport and border security. To contribute to this development, the EU-funded SNIFFER project took a page out of nature's book, using biomimicry to make detecting and analysing odours of persons, illegal substances and in particular explosives more efficient.

Social media aids emergency services and empowers the public

An international team has developed a system that can exploit the widespread use of mobile electronic devices and social media to improve the official response to emergencies and other crises. An initial prototype has already proved very effective.

The future of bomb scene investigation

We hear about bombings and explosions all too often. To find out what really happened at a blast site, forensic experts need state-of-the-art technology. An EU-funded project looked at different scenarios to develop novel tools for the analysis of evidence in the field. Two are about to be commercialised.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2014

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The first Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2014

Results of ongoing EU funded pre-commercial procurements (PCPs)

Interesting data is available about the results of ongoing PCPs funded by FP7. Data shows first impacts on opening the market for new players, creating cross-border growth opportunities for companies, bringing research results to the market and contribution to growth and job creation in Europe.

130M euro of EU funding for innovation procurement in 2016-17 - don't miss the open PCP call

H2020 provides 130M euro funding for innovation procurements in 2016-17 across several areas: Research Infrastructures, ICT, Health, Security, Energy, Transport, Space and Climate Change/Environment.

Get ready to submit your proposal to the next call: the "open" PCP call (deadline 12 April 2016). It finances 90% of the coordination and procurements costs for pre-commercial procurements (PCP) in "any" domain of public interest that requires ICT based solutions.

Ethics and anti-terror tech - a user's guide

What is more important - safety or freedom? An EU-funded project is helping security forces get the balance right, with research on how to develop ethical counter-terrorism measures that respect citizens' rights.

On track to reinforce train safety

Train travel is one of the safest modes of transport. For it to remain so, regular inspection and maintenance of train axles is vital to ensuring the structural integrity of wheelsets. The EU-funded AXLEINSPECT project has developed new ultrasonic inspection technology that makes check-ups both easier and more reliable than conventional methods.

Open consultation on the next FET Proactive Horizon 2020 Work Programme

Do you have a great idea for a future technology, far beyond what is currently possible? Could it become real if Europe's best minds were put on the task? Share your views and contribute to the identification of the themes of tomorrow's FET Proactive programme. The consultation is open until 30 April 2016.

New bomb-proof bag for safer air travel

Unfortunately the threat of a terrorist attack on an aeroplane is today a real threat to airline security. The EU-funded FLY-BAG2 project has developed a technology that enables aeroplanes to survive a Lockerbie-type explosion scenario. The bomb-resistant bags are ready to be manufactured and installed.

Quantum Cryptography to prevent data 'hacking'

The AXA Research Fund has awarded ICFO (The Institute of Photonic Sciences) funding for a Chair for a quantum information technology project that will focus on risks associated with data privacy. The chair has a budget of € 1.7 million and during the first 5 years, it will be led by Prof. Antonio Acín.

Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016-2017 published

The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding scheme, following a new work programme for 2016-17 adopted on 13 October. The work programme is now available on the participant portal.

European Commission invests €16 billion in funding for research and innovation over next two years

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation said: "Research and innovation are the engines of Europe's progress and vital to addressing today's new pressing challenges like immigration, climate change, clean energy and healthy societies. Over the next two years, €16 billion from Horizon 2020 will support Europe's top scientific efforts, making the difference to citizens' lives."

Restorative justice and the long arm of the law

Do you trust the police? Do you think the police trust you? The public’s relations with Europe’s boys and girls in blue can be rocky, particularly for members of minorities. EU-funded research has looked into the power of restorative justice to foster constructive attitudes and defuse conflicts.

Horizon 2020. First results.

Horizon 2020 is the EU’s biggest ever programme for research and innovation, and it has got off to an excellent start. This brochure presents information on the first 100 calls for proposals that closed by 1 December 2014.

Horizon 2020 indicators. Assessing the results and impact of Horizon

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever. Almost €80 billion of funding is available over seven years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private and national public investment that this money will attract. This publication presents the full set of Key Performance and Cross-Cutting Issues Indicators for Horizon 2020, including those for the European Institute of Technology and EURATOM.

Emergency: I’m sure you’re all receiving me!

New technologies allow emergency services to improve their communications. By using 4G networks and open standards, personnel can share pictures and videos, and talk to other emergency workers, no matter what device they use.