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New projects

HybridHeart: a soft biocompatible artificial heart

The HybridHeart consortium envisions to develop and bring to the clinic a soft biocompatible artificial heart, which can completely replace a patient’s heart in a procedure similar to a heart transplant.

Protecting drinking water from farm pollutants

An EU-funded study is exploring agricultural practices and EU policies related to drinking water quality and the use of pesticides and nitrogen. Results will inform an integrated EU response to a major environmental and health challenge.

C3 Cloud: addressing multi-morbidity with ICT infrastructure

With a budget of almost €5 Million, the EU-funded C3-Cloud project will establish an ICT infrastructure facilitating a collaborative care and cure cloud to enable continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team or informal care givers.

City4Age - The ultimate city for the elderly population

The European funded City4Age project aims to make cities more age-friendly. It will create innovative ICT tools and services for early detection of risks related to frailty and of Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI). The services will be tested in several European cities, as well as in Singapore.

ORCHID: ORgan-on-CHip In Development

ORCHID will facilitate dialogue towards accelerating the development of prototypes of organs-on-chips (validated cell systems that mimic diseased or healthy human tissue), and the implementation of this technology by a broad group of potential users in science, health care and industry.

FET scientists solve a 100 year-old problem revisiting the notion of resonances for applications

The concept of ‘resonance' permeates an extremely wide range of systems in physics and engineering – from classical mechanics, electromagnetism and photonics to condensed matter, quantum physics and particle physics. Resonances play, in particular, an extremely important role in the fields of nano and chiral- biosensing, constituting the fingerprints through which we may detect proteins, cells, DNA molecules and other biological substances.

CURE will cure asthma

Asthma has become a major health and economic burden in Europe affecting 30 million Europeans and one quarter of European children. Current therapies are limited to temporary improvements of the conditions of asthmatic patients but none tackle the underlying causes of the disease. There is no cure for asthma and so far no developments are recorded for new cures but what if this complex disease requires out-of-the box thinking?