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CellViewer: super-resolution microscopy to visualise live cells

A FET-Open project works on new high-throughput microscopy technique, which will allow for visualisation of DNA, mRNA and proteins in living cells.

date:  22/12/2017

ProjectCellViewer: super-resolution systems mic...


CellViewer consortium will develop a unique cutting-edge high-throughput super-resolution (SR) microscopy approach (including new hardware and software development) to collect a large amount of spatial and dynamic information in single cells. CellViewer technologies will allow studying the mechanisms of mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) self-renewal and differentiation upon application of specific stimuli, as a specific test case.

In addition to its high impact on stem cell characterization, tissue engineering and regeneration, CellViewer will contribute further to the optimization of personalized medicine as it can be adapted to characterize a group of genes and gene products in a wild type or tumour biopsy cells from patients.

If you are curious to find out more on this FET-Open project's consortium, goals and achievements, please visit the CellViewer website.

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