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"RAN Update" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
01/12/2020 Call for participants: RAN Webinar on ‘Engaging with non-violent/not yet violent extremists to prevent them from turning to violence’ en
01/12/2020 Call for participants: RAN Webinar on ‘COVID narratives that polarise’ en
30/11/2020 RAN Update 78, Design Competition | Special Edition en
19/11/2020 Call for participants: RAN Webinar on conspiracy myths and violent extremism – recent challenges and good practices en
16/11/2020 Call for participants: RAN Rehabilitation Workshop ‘Peer and self-review in Exit work’ en
12/11/2020 RAN Update 77, RAN Plenary en
11/11/2020 Call for participants: RAN Webinar ‘An update on contemporary Islamist extremism and implications for P/CVE’ en
06/11/2020 Call for participants: RAN LOCAL Meeting on ‘Local strategy during times of Covid’ en
02/11/2020 Call for participants: RAN Communications and Narratives meeting on ‘The Impact of Conspiracy Theories on Violent RWE and LWE Narratives and how to counter them’ (Reminder) en
30/10/2020 Call for participants: RAN Webinar on Evaluations of strategy and interventions on local level for prevent coordinators en