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Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)

RAN Update 78, Design Competition | November 2020

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In this issue
Special Edition
The ‘European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism’ (Remembrance Day) is an important day to pay tribute to all victims of terrorist attacks. Organised by the European Commission, in close cooperation with the RAN Victims of Terrorism Working Group, Remembrance Day takes place every year on 11 March, the day of the 2004 Madrid attacks. To increase awareness of Remembrance Day, RAN has this week launched a new ‘design competition’ for a visual identity for the next event in 2021. This special edition newsletter contains more information about the competition and how you can get involved, as well about the Remembrance Day itself.
Design competition

RAN has launched a competition for schools across the EU to create a new design for the European Remembrance Day for Victims of Terrorism. The aim of the competition is to increase awareness of the European Remembrance Day and open up a conversation about the impact of terrorism on individuals.

To do this, schools and teachers will be provided with information packs about the competition, as well as Remembrance Day and the RAN Victims of Terrorism Working Group. Pupils between the ages of 15 and 18 will be invited to create a design for a new visual identity for Remembrance Day.

Schools will be asked to submit designs to a jury, consisting of RAN practitioners, European Commission representatives and youngsters, by 31 December 2020. The winning design will be presented at the next Remembrance Day on 11 March 2021 and will become a symbol of remembrance for future events.

Read more about the competition here.

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Victims of terrorism
Remembrance Day

Every year on 11 March, the Commission organises together with RAN a European day where victims of terrorism from all over Europe, as well as their families, associations of victims of terrorism, school pupils, first responders, national authorities and EU representatives, come together to stand united against terrorism.

Established to commemorate the Madrid bombings of 11 March 2004, the annual Remembrance Day is devoted to remembering and paying tribute to all those who lost their lives or loved ones and those who have been directly affected or injured by a terrorist attack, both on European soil and outside of Europe, whatever the motive or ideology behind the attack.

Each year, the congregation holds a moment of silence, victims of terrorism share their own powerful stories and experiences, and organisations supporting these victims present a collection of inspiring initiatives.

Read more about the 2020 Remembrance Day.

The role of victims

While it is important to pay tribute to the victims of terrorism and remind ourselves of the impact of acts of terrorism on individuals, families and communities, we must also consider the constructive and positive role that victims can have in preventing radicalisation and future acts of terrorism.

Read more about the role of victims in preventing radicalisation.

Read more…

RAN has produced a series of papers that have explored the role of victims of terrorism in preventing violent extremism, including the impact the testimonies of victims can have in the classroom and the role victims can play in strengthening social cohesion in and amongst communities after a period of violence.

To read these papers and more, go to the Publications page on the RAN website and search ‘victims’.

Contact us

RAN is implemented by RadarEurope, which is a subsidiary of the RadarGroup:

Phone: +31 (0) 20 463 50 50 (office)


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