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Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)

Call for participants | December 2020

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Call for participants
RAN Webinar on ‘Engaging with non-violent/not yet violent extremists to prevent them from turning to violence’

This webinar will take place on 15 December 2020 from 09.30 – 10:30 CET

(This webinar is strictly for police and law enforcement)

For the RAN webinar on ‘Engaging with non-violent/not yet violent extremists to prevent them from turning to violence’ we are currently looking for participants. Any police officer who is interested in the webinar can attend. Specific experience on the topic is not required.

Note that this meeting is exclusively for police and law enforcement officers.

Violent extremism can be the outcome of a process of radicalisation. Police can step in the process of radicalisation in earlier stages to prevent extremist individuals or groups from turning to violence. In this webinar we will discuss the possibilities for police to engage with those individuals, with the aim to mitigate the risk of violent developments and to safeguard individuals from further radicalisation. The webinar will be built around the Social Identity theory and what that means for police. This very helpful theory will be introduced by Anders Strindberg.

Outline of the meeting:

  • Welcome, rules and context
  • Setting the scene by Steven Lenos and Annelies Jansen (RAN Staff)
  • Social identity theory and police interventions, by Anders Strindberg, researcher at FOI, the Swedish Defence Research Agency; teaches at NPS 'Centre for Homeland Defence and Security (USA)
  • The Dialogue Police Approach, by Fredrik Jonsson – Swedish police.
  • Q&A

Interested in attending?

Please register for the webinar by clicking on this link. This link will redirect you to a page on which you will find a button ‘register’ (please see picture below). Please click on this link and sign up with the email address on which you will attend the webinar.

Shortly afterwards, you will receive a registration link in your email by WebEx which will lead you to the webinar environment.

Please note, this webinar will be in English and will be held on WebEx.

If you have any further questions, please contact Steven Lenos or Annelies Jansen

This is an update on the activities of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN). You receive this email, along with more than 6,000 other people, because you have participated in a RAN activity or because you have registered your interest in the network. If you wish to unsubscribe, please let us know. Feel free to distribute this RAN Update to colleagues and invite them to subscribe.

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