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Clean Mobility: New report on conformity factors for Real Driving Emissions

Today, the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) published its third Report on conformity factors, which are used to assess compliance of vehicles with emission limits while performing a Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test.

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date:  22/02/2021

RDE tests, introduced by the Commission in 2016, have brought about a major decrease in the emissions of all new types of vehicles, which must now comply with emission limits in real world tests and not only in the laboratory. The new Report describes the outcome of a review by the JRC last year on the performance of portable emissions measurement systems analysers, based on over 550 tests in on-going projects. Today's report concludes that the Nitrogen oxide (NOx) margin can be further reduced to 0.23 for the current generation of equipment. Currently the value set in Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 is 0.43.

The lower value of the margin indicate now that PEMS equipment measure better.  This is the third time that the Commission reduces the conformity factors based on scientific evidence, with the objective to bring the conformity factor to zero. The Commission is working to create a predictable and realistic trajectory to zero pollution vehicles to protect citizens' health and the environment, and strengthen the competitiveness of our automotive industry. Such a commitment is part of a broader agenda, which includes the reform of the type approval legislation and the improvement of performance of emission tests (RDE and Worldwide Harmonized Light Test Procedure). It also includes the plan to tighten CO2 and pollutant emissions limits as such, in the context of the ongoing work on the upcoming CO2 emissions from cars and vans and Euro 7 proposals.

More information

JRC's third report on conformity factors