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Overview   Aeronautics industries

The Pact for Skills: mobilising all partners to invest in skills

Commissioners Schmit and Breton have officially launched the Pact for Skills, a central element of the European Skills Agenda. They have also announced the first European skills partnerships in key industrial ecosystems – automotive, microelectronics, and aerospace and defence industries.

EU helps SMEs innovate with dual-use technologies

See how a Danish drone company expanded their product offering with the help of the European Commission in a new video. Thanks to the Horizon 2020 programme, this SME was able to move beyond the military market and offer their products to a civilian market too, making them a dual-use company.

New Copernicus satellite to improve aviation safety and monitor climate change

On 13 October, the latest Copernicus Earth observation satellite was launched into space. Sentinel 5 Precursor – also known as Sentinel-5P – is the first Copernicus mission entirely dedicated to monitoring our atmosphere. It will contribute to aviation safety through volcanic ash monitoring, warn of high levels of UV radiation, and provide data about climate change and ozone holes.

Service Contract: EGNOS high accuracy service analysis

This contract analyses potential user needs for a High Accuracy (HA) Service in terms of what EGNOS could provide (EGNOS RIMS data, payload available to broadcast on E5b frequency on EGNOS GEO, etc.). The aim is to determine under what conditions it would be beneficial to implement a HA service in the time frame 2020-2035.

Service contract: SAR/Galileo service evolutions

The objective of the project is to prepare the evolutions of the SAR/Galileo Return Link Service and in particular to study the further implementation of the remote beacon activation and 2-way messaging services.

Galileo goes live!

Europe's satellite navigation system Galileo will start offering initial services to public authorities, businesses and citizens on 15 December 2016.

Service contract: support in the management of Galileo satellite filings - Monitu

This task consists of analysing the ITU BR-IFIC publication to identify its potential impact on the European Global Satellite Navigation Systems (EGNSS) programmes Galileo and EGNOS, providing advice on EGNSS ITU Coordination requirements, and maintaining a database which tracks the ongoing progress of ITU Coordination for the EGNSS programmes.