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Second ELIIT Call for Proposals now open

The European Light Industries Innovation and Technology project (ELIIT Project) launched its second Call for Proposals on 25 January 2021. Like the first call, this call aims to foster the collaboration between SMEs active in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear sectors (TCLF) and technology providers with innovative solutions that can bring the SMEs’ performance to a new level. The deadline for applications is 14 April 2021.

date:  25/01/2021

In particular, ELIIT is looking for partnership projects that propose the use of disruptive and innovative technological solutions. Specifically, those that can enable new and advanced technical capabilities to enhance the competitiveness of the beneficiary SMEs. Each selected partnership will benefit from

  • €70,000 in financial support to develop products or prototypes with high added-value and profitability 
  • tailor-made coaching and advice programme to improve project relevancy and increase capabilities
  • networking activities and
  • participation in workshops/conferences and exhibitions to aid market-positioning as well as build business relationships.

With this support programme, ELIIT will bolster cooperation between the partners for the implementation and use of technology-ready solutions (TRL 6 to 7) to improve productivity, value chain integration, resource efficiency and to create new high added-value products and services.

The call is targeted at TCLF SMEs and technology owners/providers, including technology and innovation centres, universities, research centres and companies, technological SMEs and start-ups. The eligibility criteria can be consulted in ELIIT website.

Building on the success of the first call

The second call aims to build on the success of the first Call for Proposals, which closed on 31st March 2020. As part of the first call, 204 TCLF SMEs and 180 technology owners/providers registered on the ELIIT EMS platform, a prerequisite for submitting partnership proposals between the two parties.

In total, ELIIT received 93 partnership proposals: out of them 73 from the textile and clothing sectors, and 20 for leather and footwear. These 93 partnership proposals covered 24 EU-27 and COSME countries.

If you are a technology provider or an SME active in the TCLF sectors and are interested in participating in the second Call, please register on the ELIIT EMS platform.

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