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New ad-hoc working group on cross-border parcels to be established

A joint ad-hoc working group on cross-border parcels will be set up with the aim of analysing whether regulatory insights from the electronic communications sector can be transferred to the cross-border parcels sector.

date:  23/09/2015

The working group will be set up between the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP).

The new group is expected to provide advice to the European Commission by the end of 2015 on the following policy areas:

  • identifying adequate means to monitor cross-border parcel delivery, especially with regard to prices
  • identifying adequate means to intervene concerning certain problems regarding cross-border parcel delivery, if deemed necessary and proportionate, particularly regarding price transparency
  • outlining specific measures/policy options to be created by the Commission to tackle eventual problems identified concerning price transparency for European cross-border deliveries, especially prices of small shipments.

The decision to set up the joint ad-hoc working group was taken following the meeting between European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip, the BEREC Chair Fátima Barros, and the ERGP Chair Feliksas Dobrolvolskis on 15 June 2015. Several aspects associated with the postal sector were discussed in the light of the recent Communication on the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy. An agreement to strengthen cooperation between BEREC and ERGP was taken.

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European Regulators Group for Postal Services

Digital Single Market strategy

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