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Raw Materials Week 2017

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Raw materials

date:  06/11/2017 - 10/11/2017

venue:  Brussels - (Belgium)

See alsoRaw materials web page

Following the success of the 1st edition of Raw Materials Week, the 2nd edition took place in Brussels from 6 - 10 November 2017. It was a good opportunity for the raw materials community to discuss and exchange on all relevant issues: policy, technology, international cooperation, framework conditions, etc.

Raw Materials Week was centred around a series of events organised by the European Commission addressing the latest news on raw materials in the EU:

List of participants - Raw Materials Week 2017

All photos from Raw Materials Week 2017

Video from Raw Materials Week 2017


Other stakeholders were invited to organise satellite events. The following satellite events were organised in Brussels during Raw Materials Week by external stakeholders:

  • 6 November:
    • The Polish contribution to the EU raw materials initiative 
  • 7 November:
    • Investigating resource saving potentials in the German non-ferrous metals industry – DelphiNE
  • 9 November:
    • Workshop on environmental raw material availability – evaluating the environmental hazard potentials of raw materials
  • 10 November:
    • Prospecting secondary raw materials in the urban mine and mining wastes (ProSUM) 
    • MINATURA2020 final conference