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Textiles, Fashion and Creative Industries

Textiles, Fashion and Creative Industries

Technical guidelines for EU textile laboratories

This contract is for the production of 'Technical guidelines for EU textile laboratories'. The guidelines should describe rules and procedures to facilitate the analysis and quantification of the fibre composition of at least 6 selected made-up and finished textile products.

European Tourism Day 2016

The European Commission is organising the 2016 edition of the European Tourism Day in Brussels on 29 November 2016.

European Tourism Day (29/11/2016)

The topic of this year's conference is 'Enhancing synergies between tourism and cultural and creative industries. Innovative solutions as the driver for jobs and growth'

IPR Enforcement Conference 2016

The IPR Enforcement Conference provided a forum to discuss the latest developments in the area of IPR enforcement following the announcements made in the Digital Single Market Strategy of May 2015 and the Single Market Strategy of October 2015, as well as the Copyright Communication of December 2015.

Launch of the OECD–EUIPO report on the economic impact of counterfeit trade

Counterfeit and pirated trade is a significant economic risk that undermines innovation and hampers economic growth. This open launch event will present the key findings of a joint OECD-EUIPO (EU International Patent Office) report that includes quantitative analysis on the value of trade in counterfeits and pirated goods worldwide.

Counterfeit and Pirated Trade: The current picture

This study presents key quantitative analysis on the exponential growth of trade in counterfeits and pirated goods worldwide. It highlights emerging trends, both globally and at country level, and the key industries affected by this illegal activity.

Worth its weight in gold: the transeuropean initiative boosting innovation

Boosting innovation and competitiveness through unprecedented transeuropean parternerships is the business of the Worth Project. Business Planet went to the French Fashion Institute to learn more about how it can benefit entrepreneurs. The project creates partnerships between SMEs and the worlds of fashion, design and technology.

Call for proposals: Supporting the production of design-based consumer goods

This Call, offering support to design-based consumer goods projects, aims to shorten the time-to-market of innovative solutions, remove obstacles to wider application of creative solutions, create or enlarge markets for related products (or services) and improve the competitiveness of European SMEs in world markets.