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Launch of the OECD–EUIPO report on the economic impact of counterfeit trade

Counterfeit and pirated trade is a significant economic risk that undermines innovation and hampers economic growth. This open launch event will present the key findings of a joint OECD-EUIPO (EU International Patent Office) report that includes quantitative analysis on the value of trade in counterfeits and pirated goods worldwide.

date:  18/04/2016

venue:  OECD Conference Centre Paris - France

See alsoMore information

The report provides the first global update by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) on counterfeit trade since 2008.

The findings of the report highlight emerging trends, both globally and at country level, and the key industries affected by this illegal activity.

This session will be open to the media.

There will also be a live webcast


  • Douglas Frantz, OECD Deputy Secretary General


  • Rolf Alter, Director, OECD Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate
  • Antonio Campinos, Executive Director, EU Intellectual Property Office
  • Ambassador Daniel Yohannes, United States Permanent Representative to the OECD
  • Ambassador Maria-Francesca SPATOLISANO, Head of EU Delegation to the OECD and UNESCO
  • World Customs Organization