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Textiles, Fashion and Creative Industries

Textiles, Fashion and Creative Industries

Unleashing the huge potential of key enabling technologies for jobs

The European Commission has today called for a European effort to boost Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). The global market in KETs, which comprises micro- and nanoelectronics, advanced materials, industrial biotechnology, photonics, nanotechnology and advanced manufacturing systems, is forecast to grow from € 646 Billion to over € 1 Trio by 2015.

Building a new industrial revolution in Europe

The European Commission is developing ways for a radical reshape of European industry so as to boost sustainable growth. As part of that effort, it has launched a public consultation asking stakeholders for their input into a mid-term review of its industrial policy communication. This review will focus on developing a limited number of new initiatives that can deliver substantial results in the short to medium term.

Cooperation with Greenland in field on raw materials

To improve access of EU industry to raw materials at an affordable price, the European Commission wishes to intensify cooperation with Greenland benefitting both sides, such as joint infrastructures and investments or capacity building in exploration and exploitation of raw materials.

A Word from the SME Envoy

Daniel Calleja Crespo is the European Commission's SME Envoy, ensuring an active interface with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Mission Growth: Europe at the Lead of the New Industrial Revolution

Europe is facing a severe economic crisis. But this situation and the changes are also an opportunity. We cannot let our industry simply leave Europe. It is a significant contributor to the real economy producing real values. Now, all efforts need to be undertaken to secure a modern, resource efficient, competitive and robust industry in Europe.

EU measures for SMEs reaping results

The Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) promotes actions that address the challenges European industry is facing, with a special focus on the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The programme has been successful in meeting its main objectives according to a recent report, which highlights several of its achievements. Building on CIP's results, its funding successor – the new Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME) - is expected to further strengthen and streamline actions in this field from 2014 onwards.

Consultation on Industrial Policy Communication 2012

Developing new policies to boost the competitiveness of European industry is the aim of a new public consultation, which is meant to provide input for the review of the industrial policy communication planned for September 2012. It will focus on developing a limited number of new initiatives that can deliver substantial results in the short-term.

European fashion industry identifies strategies for competitiveness

On 13 April 2012 about 60 representatives of the fashion industries associations, education institutions, companies, designers, and financial institutions will meet in Brussels to discuss the strengths, challenges and opportunities faced by the fashion industries and to identify ways to promote their sustainable growth and competitiveness.

Your gateway to EU funding

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in the European Union are of vital importance for economic growth. The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s biggest business support network: in addition to providing SMEs with strategic services to enable cross-border co-operation, the Network offers valuable information and advice on how to access EU funding.