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Overview   European SME Week

European Enterprise Network (EEN) Annual Conference

The EEN Conference is a key Network event gathering together more than 750 participants including businesses, intermediaries, and policy makers to explore how to help SMEs make the most of the marketplace in Europe and abroad.

Mission for Growth to Argentina: building business links

On 13 June European Commission Vice President and Commissioner for enterprise and industry Antonio Tajani will visit Buenos Aires, to lead discussions with both politicians and business people about closer industrial cooperation between Argentina and the EU.

The European Space Expo comes to Lisbon (Portugal) !

The European Commission has launched the European Space Expo, a free interactive exhibition that illustrates the services and applications derived from the major European space programmes in the domains of satellite navigation (Galileo and Egnos) and Earth observation (Copernicus).

Growth prospects for SMEs are encouraging

The European Commission published the 2012/2013 Annual Report on European SMEs. 2013 is expected to be the first year since 2008 with a combined increase in aggregated employment and value-added of EU’s SMEs.

Crowdfunding in the EU

The European Commission has today launched a consultation inviting stakeholders to share their views about crowdfunding.