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European Enterprise Network (EEN) Annual Conference

The EEN Conference is a key Network event gathering together more than 750 participants including businesses, intermediaries, and policy makers to explore how to help SMEs make the most of the marketplace in Europe and abroad.

date:  16/10/2014 - 17/10/2014

venue:  Pala Alpitour


The conference will feature plenary sessions, speakers' corners, discussion tables, networking area, business matching opportunities. The ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk will contribute by presenting on the services it provides, with project staff available for discussion and assistance, as well as supplying IP guides and promotional materials.

Event type: Conference
Date: Thursday-Friday, 16-17 October 2014
Time: 08:00am – 18:00pm (Torino, GMT: +1)
Language: English

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