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Overview   European SME Week

Tajani: EU assistance for small enterprises in Greece

Greek small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are confronted with very adverse operating conditions: 6 out of 10 firms saw deterioration in their earnings in 2011 compared to 2010. 150,000 jobs were lost in SMEs in 2011. It is expected that during the first half of 2012 up to 1000 SMEs per week will close

Small enterprises: Shift to green economy underway, but not at full speed yet

According to the Eurobarometer survey on "SMEs, resource efficiency and green markets", 37% of EU SMEs have at least one full or part-time green employee. Green jobs are largely created in SMEs as opposed to large firms: In 2012, 1 in 8 employees of small and medium-sized firms had a green job or almost 13% of all SME jobs.

Outstanding performance of EU mechanical engineering industry

In 2010 the EU’s share in global trade with mechanical engineering products amounted to 37.2%, which is around 3% above its share in 2000. This development contrasts to the performance of the US and Japan, whose shares fell from 25.6% to 17.4% and from 21.3% to 15.6%, whereas China's share increased to 13.0% from only 3% in 2000.