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Public Consultations

Study on the current situation and prospects of mutual societies in Europe

In some EU countries mutual societies are not allowed to operate or conduct certain activities, and have limited possibilities to form horizontal cross-border groups. The European Commission conducted a study on mutual societies that recommends how to remove the obstacles that mutual societies are facing.

Review of the internal market legislation for industrial products

Following the 2012 Communication on a new industrial policy, the Commission is taking a fresh look at the single market for products, which makes up 75% of intra-EU trade. As we advance in the 21st century can we really say that the internal market for all industrial products, i.e. manufactured non-food products, is delivering its full potential?

Protection of business and research know-how

Keeping valuable information secret is often the only or the most effective way that companies have to protect their intellectual property (such as the results of their research and innovation efforts).

Which are the TOP 10 most burdensome legislative acts for SMEs?

Complaints are often aired about the red tape created by European law. We want to cut red tape and we can. However, there is a definite lack of concrete proposals to reduce this burden. With this in mind, the European Commission is calling upon businesses: "Let us know what could be done better - we would like your ideas for reducing red tape!".

Public consultation on Smart Regulation

In its 2010 Communication on "Smart Regulation in the EU", the Commission set out a strategy to improve the way it designs, enforces, evaluates and revises European policies to ensure they benefit citizens and businesses.