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Public Consultations

Making Europe's online content market more competitive

A public consultation on ways to stimulate the growth of a true EU single market for online digital content, such as films, music and games, was launched by the Commission today. The Commission intends to encourage the development of innovative business models and to promote the cross-border delivery of diverse online content services. It is also keen to ascertain how European technologies and devices can be successful in the creative online content markets. Input to this consultation will help shape a Commission Communication on Content Online, due to be adopted at the end of the year.

Public consultation: Innovate for a competitive Europe

[P][B]A new action plan for innovation [/B][/P] [I]Please note that documents below are working documents prepared by Enterprise DG as basis for comments during the public consultation. They do not prejudge the final form or content or possibility of any decision taken by the Commission.[/I] [P][B]Why a New Action Plan?[/B][/P] [P]To maintain and improve Europe's living standards, Europe needs more innovation. Europe needs to accelerate its efforts to meet the Lisbon objective of becoming the world's most competitive economy by 2010. At the current rate of change none of the innovation gaps with the US would be closed before 2010, while competition from low cost countries is mounting.[/P] [P]The strategy to reach the Lisbon targets builds on a series of initiatives and policy orientations, such as the Growth Initiative, the relaunch of Industrial Policy, and the general Integrated Approach to Competitiveness. The new Innovation Action Plan* will be an integral part of this strategy, like the 3% Action Plan for more investment in research and the European agenda for Entrepreneurship[/P]