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Overview   Calls   Calls for Tenders

Service Contract: EGNOS high accuracy service analysis

This contract analyses potential user needs for a High Accuracy (HA) Service in terms of what EGNOS could provide (EGNOS RIMS data, payload available to broadcast on E5b frequency on EGNOS GEO, etc.). The aim is to determine under what conditions it would be beneficial to implement a HA service in the time frame 2020-2035.

European Innovation Scoreboard

The main aim of this service contract is the production of the 2018 and 2019 editions of the annual European Innovation Scoreboard and the 2019 edition of the bi-annual Regional Innovation Scoreboard.

Technical guidelines for EU textile laboratories

This contract is for the production of 'Technical guidelines for EU textile laboratories'. The guidelines should describe rules and procedures to facilitate the analysis and quantification of the fibre composition of at least 6 selected made-up and finished textile products.

Service contract: SAR/Galileo service evolutions

The objective of the project is to prepare the evolutions of the SAR/Galileo Return Link Service and in particular to study the further implementation of the remote beacon activation and 2-way messaging services.

Service contract: support in the management of Galileo satellite filings - Monitu

This task consists of analysing the ITU BR-IFIC publication to identify its potential impact on the European Global Satellite Navigation Systems (EGNSS) programmes Galileo and EGNOS, providing advice on EGNSS ITU Coordination requirements, and maintaining a database which tracks the ongoing progress of ITU Coordination for the EGNSS programmes.