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Evaluation of regulatory tools for enforcing online gambling rules and channelling demand towards controlled offers

The study will look at the various solutions adopted to address the problem of proliferation of gambling websites which are accessed by millions of citizens, but remain outside of the Member State authorities' control, the operators being unauthorised in the relevant Member State and many of them also located outside the European Economic Area.

Deadline:  12/09/2017


See alsoContract notice

  • Number: 641/PP/GRO/IMA/17/1131/9610

It should assist regulators in choosing the enforcement tools which will help them accomplish the goals of their national gambling policies, primarily through identifying the data which should be collected in order to understand the baseline situation, set enforcement targets, monitor the effects of the chosen enforcement tools and optimise the enforcement strategy over time.

Authorities in several Member States have undertaken or commissioned research into their own gambling markets and regulatory frameworks. The European Commission will facilitate interactions between the chosen contractor and the representatives of those national authorities who are members of the Expert Group on Gambling Services to assist the contractor in gathering data for the study and to identify any opportunities for research cooperation.

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