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Nature – our secret weapon against climate change

Discover how climate change is connected to the millions of plants, animals and other organisms that exist around the world, and how healthy nature can also help achieve the EU’s climate goals. Want to find out how can you help protect nature? Join our campaign and share your actions using #ForOurPlanet!

Exposure to chemicals from plastic and other sources: a possible causal factor in obesity?

Do chemicals, including environmental contaminants, contribute to obesity? A review looks at the evidence with implications for policy and research. Although genetic susceptibility and stress are believed to contribute to obesity1, the prevailing view is that it is chiefly caused by an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, or more simply – overeating and lack of exercise. Addressing the problem – now a worldwide pandemic – focuses on individual action or medical intervention to counter these factors. However, this approach has not even slowed the rise of obesity. A growing number of studies indicate that certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be important causative factors – primarily when exposure occurs during early development. Click here to read more

Webinar on 15 November: Setting finance targets? Yes, finance can!

A growing community of financial institutions recognise the critical role the finance sector plays in addressing the global biodiversity crisis and are taking action to address this. But commitments need to be paired with action. In this webinar organised by the Finance and Biodiversity Foundation, Finance@Biodiversity Community, UNEP FI and PRI leading practitioners will showcase how to set concrete targets and monitor progress, demonstrating that it can be done.

Successful EBNS catalyses the business community ahead of crucial UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15)

More than 500 business and finance delegates joined government and civil society representatives at the 2022 edition of the European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS). Building on the ACT-D (Assess, Commit, Transform, Disclose) framework, the Summit convened over 80 speakers across 20 sessions showcasing best practices and providing clear and actionable steps to help business and finance contribute towards a nature positive world. The Summit inspired participants to take action, strengthening the ‘business for biodiversity movement’ in Europe and beyond, and called for an ambitious post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to be negotiated within one month at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal (COP 15, 7-19 December 2022). Read our Summit highlights. Access slides and watch recordings.

New rules for cleaner air and water

Clean air and water are essential for healthy people and nature. In October, the Commission proposed stronger rules on ambient air, surface and groundwater pollutants, and treating urban wastewater.