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Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

“The European Semester has made a real contribution to improving the economic and social situation in Europe. Yet, some important challenges remain, and now risks to the economic outlook are growing. It is worrying to see reform momentum weakening in some countries. We call on all Member States to put new energy into making our economies more resilient and into supporting growth that is both sustainable and inclusive. Better targeted investment can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives.”

Real Economy: How will the EU elections affect Member States’ economies?

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews, poses the question: “How will the EU elections affect Member States’ economies?” Fifty-one percent of EU citizens claim to be interested in the upcoming European Parliament elections, and campaign priorities are immigration (50%), the economy and growth (47%), youth unemployment (47%), the fight against terrorism (44%), and climate change (40%).

Investment Plan: EUR 2.7 billion in investments support technology and innovation, healthcare and small businesses

The European Investment Bank (EIB) announced on 17 May that it is lending EUR 43 million to Diakonessenhuis hospital in the Netherlands with the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe, or Juncker Plan. Financing will support the hospital’s strategic investment programme up to 2022, including construction of new facilities and renovation of existing ones.

Mário Centeno, President of the Eurogroup

“We are convinced the euro area is today more resilient and better equipped with tools to handle shocks. Moreover, we are also committed to delivering on the mandate from Leaders to make progress on deepening the economic and monetary union. The progress we make here will also boost confidence in the euro and the euro area.”