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European Semester 2019 Spring Package: Commission issues recommendations for Member States to advance sustainable and inclusive economic growth

The European Commission presented on 5 June the 2019 country-specific recommendations, giving economic policy guidance to all EU Member States for the next 12 to 18 months.

Valdis Dombrovskis, Marianne Thyssen, Pierre Moscovici on the European Semester Spring 2019 package © European Union, 2019
European Union, 2019

date:  06/06/2019

See alsoEuropean Semester 2019 Spring Package: C...

The European Commission presented on 5 June the 2019 country-specific recommendations, giving economic policy guidance to all EU Member States for the next 12 to 18 months. The European economy is growing for the seventh consecutive year and is set to continue expanding in 2020, with all Member States' economies growing despite less favourable conditions and global uncertainties. The number of people in employment is at a record high and unemployment at a record low. At the same time, there are still significant differences between countries, regions and population groups. Against this backdrop, the Commission called on Member States to build on the progress made in recent years amidst persisting and new economic and social challenges. In this year's cycle, the Commission has zoomed in on the investment needs of each Member State, as a way to prepare for the programming of the future generation of EU funds and to make sure that reform and investment priorities are well aligned at national level, so that EU support can be best used. The content of the recommendations reflects the overall priorities set out in the Annual Growth Survey 2019 and the 2019 recommendation on the economic policy for the euro area issued in November. They draw on the detailed analysis of the country reports published in February and the assessment of the national programmes presented in April.