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Real Economy: Occupational cancer - how to minimise risks?

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews, looks at occupational safety – particularly cancer.

date:  06/06/2019

See alsoOccupational cancer - how to minimise ri...

The latest episode of Real Economy on Euronews, looks at occupational safety – particularly cancer. Work-related ill-health and injury are estimated by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) to cost the EU about 476 billion euro a year (2017 figures), or around 3.3% of EU GDP, and the direct costs of exposure to carcinogens at work across Europe are estimated at EUR 2.4 billion per year. One of the biggest health problems which face workplaces across Europe and indeed the world is cancer. It accounts for 52% of annual work-related deaths. This is double that of deaths by injury and circulatory illnesses combined. The EU lists 26 carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and requires that employers reduce their employees' exposure to these substances while also educating them on the risks involved. More needs to be done, however. According to Christa Sedlatschek, director of EU-OSHA, larger companies comply with the regulation because they "have a more systematic approach to occupational safety and health whereas micro and small enterprises do not."