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Overview   Youth

The amazing adventures of Syrgo and BC

Meet BC, a fictional superhero and his sidekick Syrgo, a fact-checking furry hamster. Together they are on a mission to prevent microbes from spreading dangerous diseases and inaccurate information about vaccines by combining humour and science.

Today is the European Day of Languages!

The European Day of Languages happens every year on 26 September. It is an initiative of the Council of Europe and has been marked every year since the European Year of Languages in 2001.

State of the Union 2023 - In brief

On 13 September, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, opened the new political year with her annual speech, the “State of the Union”, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Goodbye school, hello holidays!

The school year is coming to a close, making way for the summer holidays and a well-deserved break. Why not take advantage of the educational materials and games available in the Learning Corner to keep the little ones busy?

The digital explorers are back!

How does the EU intend to shape the digital future? Why do we need a European Chips Act? What is the #BIKplus strategy? Blockchain technology: what’s in it for you? What are the European digital rights and principles at the core of Europe’s digital DNA?

Let’s Explore Europe!

Choose your character, throw the dice and test your knowledge of the European Union by answering the questions in this fun quiz for young people aged 9–15.

9 May - Europe Day: join us!

On 9 May every year, the European Union celebrates Europe Day. It is an opportunity to call to mind the fundamental values on which the EU is founded, such as freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human rights.

Order our teaching materials with just a click.

Europe Day will soon be here. If you are a teacher and would like to order some materials to discuss with your pupils, the paper hen will be available over the next two months for you to order direct from the Learning Corner site.

Our friends the microbes!

Did you know that not all microbes are harmful? What’s more, some of them are very helpful to the environment: the ‘super microbes’!

Three Billion Trees Pledge

Three billion more trees by 2030 - that’s the challenge the European Union (EU) has pledged to achieve. It’s part of the EU’s ambitious plan to restore nature in Europe and combat climate change.

Europe in a nutshell

This presentation will help you to show your pupils what the European Union is and how it works. The following topics are summarised and illustrated, explaining the basics: culture, values, languages, the Schengen area, the euro area, milestones in the creation of the EU, etc.