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Happy birthday, Learning Corner!

On 21 March, the Learning Corner website turned four! This was a year rich in additional learning resources, games, information and other types of competition available in 24 EU languages.

Energy explained - Interactive infographics

The following topics are all covered by this series of interactive infographics: renewable energy in Europe, renovation of buildings, energy savings and the European Union’s energy strategy.

The EU's single market

In 2023, the European Union is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the single market. Since its creation, the European single market has allowed goods, services, people and capital to move freely in the EU, thereby making the lives of citizens easier and creating opportunities for businesses. It is one of the EU's greatest achievements!

The Digital Markets Act

Digital technology is part of our daily lives: we use it to communicate, to read the news and to shop, for example, which we do with great ease and without even noticing that a number of large online companies act as the ‘gatekeepers’ to digital markets.

Just one number to remember: 112!

11 February was European 112 day. What better opportunity to teach the youngest members of society to remember the European emergency number: left thumb up for 1, right thumb up for 1, both thumbs together for 2.

European Atlas of the Seas

Have you ever wondered where the motorways of the sea are? Which marine species live on our seabeds? Where our wind farms are located? What the fishing quota is for each species?

2050 – It’s up to you

Our choices shape our future. Simple daily choices such as what we eat or how we move can affect our health and that of our planet. According to studies, a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and cereals protects our health. Being physically active, walking, cycling and reducing the use of motorised vehicles also contributes to our health and helps protect our environment.

Juvenes Translatores contest: the results

Last September we told you about the ‘Juvenes Translatores’ contest organised by the European Commission to reward the best young translators in the European Union.

European Charlemagne Youth Prize

Since 2008 the Charlemagne Prize has been awarded annually to youth-led projects that foster cooperation and understanding in Europe and at international level. Are you an EU resident aged between 16 and 30 working on a project to help Europe to progress?

European Union Timeline

What happened in the EU in 2022? To find out, take a look at the EU timeline. It shows the key events that have left their mark on the European Union - from 1900 to the present day.

Ethical guidelines on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning for educators

All across Europe, we are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) systems – sometimes without even realising it. Search engines, chatbots, machine translations, video games and other applications are now part of everyday life. Artificial intelligence can be a great asset to improve education and training for learners, educators and school leaders. However, it is important to better understand its ramifications.

House of European History: say your words !

Five years after it opened its doors to the public, the House of European History wants to design fresh, new, exciting learning materials for European teachers and needs your help to do so!

Stop food waste!

Around 88 million tonnes of food are thrown away every year in Europe. An alarming figure!

EU&ME Quiz

How many official languages are there in the European Union? Which European programme allows young people to study in another country? Which European body authorises a vaccine to be sold on the EU market? Find the answers to these questions, and many more, by taking the EU&ME Quiz.