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Scientific Steering Committee (former MDSC) - Outcome of discussions

! The opinions are published by the European Commission in their original language. Only this version is the original one. If other linguistic versions appear on this page, these will be clearly identified. The opinions are those of the Scientific Committees. It does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Commission.

- Opinions - Minutes - Reports


- Opinion on the safety of tallow derivatives from cattle tallow  (adopted on 10 April 2003) (105KB)
- Opinion on a treatment of animal waste by means of high temperature (150°c, 3 hours) and high pressure alkaline hydrolysis.  (adopted on 10 April 2003) (327KB)
- Opinion on setting the scientific frame for the inclusion of new quality of life concerns in the risk assessment process  (adopted on 10 April 2003) (117KB)
- Opinion on Organophosphate (OP) poisoning and hypothetical involvement in the origin of bse  (adopted on 10-11 April 2003) (95KB)
- Opinion on harmonisation of risk assessment procedures  (adopted on 10-11 April 2003) (99KB)
- Opinion on a framework for the assessment of the risk from different options for the safe disposal or use of animal by-products which might be contaminated with microbiological agents, including tse  (adopted on 10-11 April 2003) (146KB)
- Opinion on BSE in United Kingdom’s cattle born after 31 july 1996 [barbs]  (adopted on 10-11 April 2003) (403KB)
- Opinion on six alternative methods for safe disposal of animal by-products  (adopted on 10-11 april 2003) (303KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Uruguay (adopted on 10 April 2003) (153KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Paraguay (adopted on 10 April 2003) (151KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Lithuania (adopted on 10 April 2003) (160KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (adopted on 10 April 2003) (160KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Estonia (adopted on 10 April 2003) (175KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Cyprus (adopted on 10 April 2003) (175KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Costa Rica (adopted on 10 April 2003) (169KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Chile (adopted on 10 April 2003) (168KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Brazil (adopted on 10 April 2003) (172KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Belarus (adopted on 10 April 2003) (171KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Argentina (adopted on 10 April 2003) (177KB)
- Guidance document for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants and derived food and feed (6-7 March 2003 - Prepared for the Scientific Steering Committee by The Joint Working Group on Novel Foods and GMOs composed of members of the Scientific Committees on Plants, Food and Animal Nutrition) (241KB)
- Opinion accompanying the guidance document for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants and derived food and feed (expressed on 6-7 March 2003) (116KB)
- Opinion on Chronic Wasting Disease and tissues that might carry a risk for human and animal feed chains (Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 6 – 7 March 2003) (116KB)
- Updated opinion and report on the safety of dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) from bovine bones, used as an animal feed additive or as fertiliser (submitted to the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 6-7 March 2003) (269KB)
- Updated Opinion on the safety with regard to TSE risks of gelatine derived from ruminant bones or hides (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 6-7 March 2003) (232KB)
- Opinion on the feeding of wild fishmeal to farmed fish and recycling of fish with regard to the risk of TSE (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 6-7 March 2003) (233KB)

Opinion on the potential requirement for designation of specified risk materials in pigs (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 6-7 March 2003) (214KB)


Opinion on BSE risk of the bovine autonomic nervous system (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 6-7 March 2003) (305KB)

- Opinion on the field trial evaluation of two new rapid BSE post mortem tests Results achieved using the LIA Test (Prionics) and the aCDI Test (InPro) in the field trial (adopted on 6 March 2003) (140KB)

Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Singapore (adopted on 06 March 2003) (153KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in New Caledonia (adopted on 06 March 2003) (155KB)

- Opinion on the use of small incinerators for BSE risk reduction (Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16-17 January 2003) (158KB)
- Opinion on open burning of potentially TSE-infected animal materials (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 16-17 January 2003) (110KB)

Opinion on the use of burial for dealing with animal carcasses and other animal materials that might contain BSE/TSE (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16-17 January 2003) (122KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Greece (adopted on 06 December 2002) (169KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in the Principality of Andorra (adopted on 06 December 2002) (174KB)


Updated opinion on the safety with regard to TSE risks of gelatine derived from ruminant bones or hides (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 5-6 December 2002) (234KB)

- Opinion on a programme for the evaluation of rapid post mortem tests to detect TSE in small ruminants adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002 (137KB)

Updated opinion and report on a treatment of animal waste by means of high temperature (150°c, 3 hours) and high pressure alkaline hydrolysis (Initially adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 16 may 2002 and revised at its meeting of 7-8 november 2002) (332KB)


Update of the Opinion on TSE Infectivity distribution in ruminant tissues (Initially adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 10-11 January 2002 and amended at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002) following the submission of (1) a risk assessment by the German Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, food and Agriculture and (2) new scientific evidence regarding BSE infectivity distribution in tonsils (671KB)


Opinion on necrophagous birds as possible transmitters of TSE/BSE (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002) (277KB)


Opinion on the Geographical BSE risk for sheep and goats (GBR-S) : adaptation of the cattle GBR methodology to small ruminants, in case BSE in small ruminants would become probable or evident under field conditions (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002 (287KB)

- Update of the opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) ( adopted on 7 November 2002) (69KB)

Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in New Zealand (adopted on 07 November 2002) (164KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Israel (adopted on 13 September 2002) (184KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Malta (adopted on 13 September 2002) (176KB)


Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Slovenia (adopted on 13 September 2002) (178KB)


Complement to the SSC opinion of 4-5 April 2002 on safe sourcing of small ruminant materials (with special reference to the safety with regard to BSE risks of sheep intestines and casings), adopted on 12-13 September 2002 (112 KB)


Opinion on the implications of the recent papers on transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep (Houston et al, 2000; Hunter et al, 2002), adopted on 12-13 September 2002 ( 231KB)
[Revision and update of the SSC Opinion of 26-27 October 2000 on: the Implications of the Houston et al paper in The Lancet of 16 September 2000 on the Transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep. (The Lancet, Vol. 356, pp 999-1000; 955-956; 1013)]


Updated opinion on the safety with regard to TSE risks of gelatine derived from ruminant bones or hides (adopted on 12-13 September 2002) ( 209KB)

- Opinion on azole antimycotic resistance, adopted on 27 –28 june 2002 (202KB)
- Opinion on Triclosan resistance, adopted on 27 –28 june 2002 (103KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Vanuatu (adopted on 27 June 2002) (162KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Turkey (adopted on 27 June 2002) (178KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in the Republic of San Marino (adopted on 27 June 2002) (180KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Latvia (adopted on 27 June 2002) (169KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Iceland (adopted on 27 June 2002) (169KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Croatia (adopted on 27 June 2002) (178KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Bulgaria (adopted on 27 June 2002) (178KB)
- The safety of bovine embryos: Amendment to the SSC opinion of 18-19 march 1999 on the possible vertical transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) (adopted on 16 may 2002) (149KB)
- Opinion and report assessment of the human BSE risk posed by bovine vertebral column including dorsal root ganglia (adopted on 16 may 2002) (294KB)
- Opinion on the safety of animal rennet in regard to risks from animal TSE and BSE in particular (adopted on 16 may 2002) (293KB)
- Opinion and report on the treatment of animal waste by means of high temperature (150°c, 3 hours) and corresponding high pressure alkaline hydrolysis (adopted on 16 may 2002) (293KB)
- Opinion on the geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Finland (update adopted on 16 May 2002) (183KB)
- Opinion on the geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Austria (update adopted on 16 May 2002) (185KB)
- Opinion on safe sourcing of small ruminant materials (adopted on 04-05 April 2002) (433KB)
- Suggested strategy to investigate the presence of BSE in small ruminants (adopted on 04-05 April 2002) (171KB)
- Opinion on the safety of calf-derived rennet (adopted on 04-05 April 2002) (17KB)
- Statement on prions in muscle (adopted on 04-05 April 2002) (29KB)
- Statement on the need for non-human primates in biomedical research (adopted on 04-05 April 2002) (32KB)
- Guidance for the Expression of Opinions and other outputs of Scientific Advisory Committees ( adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) as part of its exercise on Harmonisation of Risk Assessment Procedures) (36KB)
- Opinion on the geographical BSE-risk (GBR) and its evolution over time in the European Union Member States (adopted by the SSC at its plenary meeting of 21/22 February 2002, this opinion was prepared by the GBR-Peer Group and endorsed by the TSE/BSE ad hoc group at its meeting on 7/2/2002) (33KB)
- Opinion on peptides from pig mucosa: risks with respect to TSEs (adopted on 21-22 february 2002) (39KB)
- Scientific report on stunning methods and BSE risks (the risk of dissemination of brain particles into the blood and carcass when applying certain stunning methods)  ( prepared by the TSE BSE ad hoc group at its meeting of 13 december 2001 and including the outcome of a public consultation via internet between 10 September and 26 October 2001) (286KB)
- Opinion on design of a field trial for the evaluation of new rapid BSE post mortem tests (adopted on 22 february 2002) (54KB)
- Opinion on stunning methods and BSE risks (the risk of dissemination of brain particles into the blood and carcass when applying certain stunning methods) (adopted on 10-11 January 2002 following a public consultation via Internet between 10 September and 26 October 2001) (41KB)
- Updated opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) ( adopted on 11 January 2002) (124KB)
- Opinion on the additional safeguard provided by different culling schemes under the current conditions in the UK and DE ( adopted on 11 January 2002) (34KB) 
- Opinion on TSE infectivity distribution in ruminant tissues (state of knowledge, December 2001) ( adopted on 10-11 January 2002) (468KB) 
- Updated opinion on sourcing of ruminant materials from GBR I countries for medical devices (originally adopted on 6-7 September 2001, update adopted on 29-30 November 2001) (110KB) 
- Opinion on requirements for statistically authoritative BSE/TSE surveys ( adopted on 29-30 November 2001) (456KB)
- Opinion on the six BARB BSE cases in the UK since 1 August 1996 (the six BARB BSE cases born and confirmed in the UK after 1 August 1996: Is there a need to review the opinions of the Scientific Steering Committee with regard to the UK date-based export scheme and other TSE-related risks?) (adopted on 29-30 November 2001) (227KB)
- Opinion on hypotheses on the origin and transmission of BSE (adopted on 29-30 November 2001) (633KB)
- Opinion on the safety of small ruminant products should BSE in small ruminants become probable / confirmed (adopted on 18-19 October 2001) (25KB)
- Opinion on Sourcing of from GBR I Countries (Sourcing of Ruminant Materials from GBR I Countries for Medical Devices) (adopted on 6-7 September 2001) (11KB)
- Scientific opinion on the use of non-human primate models for human TSEs (adopted on 6-7 September 2001) (21KB)
- Preliminary scientific opinion and report on stunning methods and BSE risks (the risk of dissemination of brain particles into the blood and carcass when applying certain stunning methods) (Adopted on 6-7 September 2001) (472KB)
- Revised opinion and report on the safety of tallow obtained from ruminant slaughter by-products (adopted on 28-29 June 2001, editorial clarifications introduced at the meeting of 6-7 September 2001) (127KB)
- Updated opinion on the safety with regard to TSE risks of gelatine derived from ruminant bones or hides from cattle, sheep or goats (adopted on 28-29 June 2001, editorial changes adopted on 6-7 September 2001) (50KB)
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in El Salvador (Adopted on 29/06/2001) (19KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Nigeria (Adopted on 29/06/2001) (21KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Panama (Adopted on 29/06/2001) (19KB) 
- Opinion on adipose tissue associated with the digestive tract of cattle, sheep and goats: an appreciation of possible TSE risks (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 28-29 June 2001) (27KB) 
- Opinion on genetically modified cotton and medical devices (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 28-29 June 2001) (39KB) 
- A framework for the assessment of the risk from different options for the safe disposal or use of meat and bone meal (MBM) and other products which might be contaminated with TSE’s and other materials (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 28-29 June 2001) (26KB) 
- Updated opinion on the safety with regard to TSE risks of gelatine derived from ruminant bones or hides from cattle, sheep or goats (Including amendments to the scientific report attached to the opinion of 21 January 2000) - (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 28-29 June 2001) (51KB) 
- Revised opinion and report on: The safety of tallow obtained from ruminant slaughter by-products (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 28-29 June 2001) (126KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Costa Rica (Adopted on 11/05/2001) (19KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Kenya (Adopted on 11/05/2001) (22KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Romania (Adopted on 11/05/2001) (21KB) 
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Slovenia (Adopted on 11/05/2001) (24KB) 
- Opinion on Anti-Microbial Resistance adopted on 10-11 May 2001 (39KB) 
- Opinion and report on safety with respect to the TSE risks of collagen produced from ruminants hides, adopted on 10-11 May 2001 (32KB)
- Opinion on the safety of organic fertilisers derived from ruminants animals, adopted on 10-11 May 2001 (43KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Albania (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (18KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Brazil (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (21KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Colombia (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (19KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Cyprus (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (20KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in the Czech Republic (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (20KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Estonia (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (20KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Hungary (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (22KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in India (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (22KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Mauritius (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (19KB) updated
- Opinion the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Pakistan (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (20KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Poland (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (18KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Singapore (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (20KB) updated
- Opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in the Slovak Republic (Adopted on 30/03/2001) (19KB) updated
- Safety of milk with regard to TSE: State of affairs
- Opinion on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in a second UK animal born after 1 August 1996 (Case confirmed in Northern Ireland) adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 29-30 March 2001
- Opinion on the scientific basis for import bans proposed by Austria with regard to BSE risks in Germany and France adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 29-30 March 2001
- Opinion on pre-emptive risk assessment should BSE in small ruminants be found under domestic conditions (adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 8-9 February 2001) (242KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Botswana adopted on 09/02/2001 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (18KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Lithuania adopted on 09/02/2001 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (19KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Namibia adopted on 09/02/2001 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (19KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Nicaragua adopted on 09/02/2001 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (19KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Swaziland adopted on 09/02/2001 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (19KB)
- Opinion on the questions submitted by EC services following a request of 4 December 2000 by the EU Council of Agricultural Ministers regarding the safety with regard to BSE of certain bovine tissues and certain animal-derived products (adopted on 12 January 2001) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (41KB)
- Opinion on the Geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) in Uruguay adopted on 12/01/2001
- Opinion on harmonisation of risk assessment procedures (adopted on 26-27 October 2000)
- Opinion on: Monitoring some important aspects of the evolution of the Epidemic of BSE in Great-Britain
Update providing an epidemiological commentary on BSE projections for Great Britain (GB) and on surveillance, as well as on the occurrence of "Born After the Real Ban - BARB" cases adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 7-8 December 2000
- Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee (1) on the scientific basis for import bans proposed by 3 Member States with regard to BSE risks in France and the Republic of Ireland; (2) on the scientific basis for several measures proposed by France with regard to BSE risks; (3) and on the scientific basis for banning animal protein from the feed for all farmed animals, including pig, poultry, fish and pet animals. (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 27-28 November 2000) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (74 KB)

Scientific opinion on "The proposal for controlled use of ruminant SRMs as feed for fur animals in Finland" (27 October 2000) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (45 KB)


Scientific Opinion - Risk Assessment in a rapidly evolving field: the case of Genetically Modified Plants (GMP) - (Expressed on 26/27 October 2000) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (105 KB)


Strategies for dealing with emerging and re-emerging scientific issues that have the potential to impact human health, directly or mediated through the environment - Opinion adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 26-27 October 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (114 KB)


Opinion and report on the safety of dicalcium phosphate precipitated from ruminant bones and used as an animal feed additive - Adopted on 26 June 1998, following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 15 May 1998 (Report updated at the SSC meeting of 26-27 October 2000) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (73 KB)


The safe handling, transport and temporary storage of meat-and-bone meal which may be contaminated with a BSE agent or other pathogens - Notes adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 26-27 October 2000


Statement of the Scientific Steering Committee on its Report and Scientific Opinion on mammalian derived meat and bone meal forming a cross-contaminant of animal feedstuffs, adopted on 24-25 September 1998, adopted at the SSC meeting of 26-27 October 2000


Opinion on the Implications of the Houston et al paper in The Lancet of 16 September 2000 on the Transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep. (The Lancet, Vol. 356, pp 999-1000; 955-956; 1013) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (50 KB)


Report and Scientific Opinion on EXPORT FROM THE UK OF BONE-IN VEAL - Adopted by The Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 14-15 September 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (42 KB)


Opinion on BSE-related culling in Cattle - Adopted at the meeting of 14/15 September 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (102 KB)

- Final opinion on the Geographical Risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (GBR) - Adopted on 6 July 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (312 KB)
- Preliminary and incomplete notes on the safe handling, transport and storage of MBM and other bovine derived materials which may be contaminated with the BSE agent or other pathogens - Draft for comments compiled by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 25-26 May 2000
- Considerations on the safety of amino acids from human hair hydrolysate used in cosmetic products for topical application, with regard to Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy risks: adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 25-26 May 2000
- Statement on: Scientific advice to the Commission from its scientific committees, with special reference to the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and its interdisciplinary advice on TSE/ BSE adopted on 26 May 2000
- Integrated comment and remarks on the White Paper on Food Safety pdf.gif (423 bytes) (28 KB)
- Opinion - Oral exposure of Humans to the BSE agent : infective dose and species barrier adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 following a public consultation via Internet between 6 and 27 March 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (79 KB)

Preliminary report on Quantitative Risk Assessment on the Use of the Vertebral Column for the production of Gelatine and Tallow submitted to the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 This report is open for public comments until 10 June 2000. Comments can be sent to : or (please pay special attention to the assumptions made and to the proposed probability distributions (including their key-values) pdf.gif (423 bytes) (80 KB)

- Opinion on specified risk materials of small ruminants (Follow-up to the SSC opinion of 24-25 September 1998 on the Risk of Infection of Sheep and Goats with BSE agent) adopted at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (78 KB)
- Opinion on Quantitative Risk Assessment on the Use of the Vertebral Column for the production of Gelatine and Tallow adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (22 KB)
- Opinion on the UK decision to lift the ban on the consumption of meat on the bone adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (50 KB)
- Report and Opinion on the Criteria for diagnosis of clinical and pre-clinical TSE disease in sheep and for differential biochemical diagnosis of TSE agent strains adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (84 KB)

Opinion on the Safety of ruminant blood with respect to TSE risks adopted by the SSC at its meeting of 13-14 April 2000 pdf.gif (423 bytes) (244 KB)


Preliminary opinion - Oral exposure of humans to the BSE agent: Infective dose and species barrier - Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 2-3 March 2000 (155 KB)

- BSE : extract from the minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee of 2-3 March 2000
- Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee on a method for assessing the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of a country or region (up-date, January 2000) (44 KB)
- Scientific report and opinion on the safety of gelatine - Updated by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 20-21 January 2000 updated
- Opinion on the Human Exposure Risk (HER) via food with respect to BSE - Adopted on 10 December 1999
- Opinion on the Scientific Grounds of the Advice of 30 September 1999 of the French Food Safety Agency (the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, AFSSA), to the French Government on the Draft Decree amending the Decree of 28 October 1998 establishing specific measures applicable to certain products of bovine origin exported from the United Kingdom. Adopted at its meeting of 28-29 October 1999 (edited following a written procedure (30.10 - 15.11.99) and re-edited at the SSC meeting of 9-10 December 1999)
- Press release on the Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee of 29 October 1999
- Intra-Species Recycling - Opinion on : the risk born by recycling animal by-products as feed with regard to propagating TSE in non-ruminant farmed animals. Adopted on 17 September 1999
- Scientific Report on the risks of non conventional Transmissible agents conventional infectious agents or other hazards such as toxic substances entering the human food or animal feed chains via raw material from fallen stock and dead animals (including also: ruminants, pigs, poultry, fish, wild/exotic/zoo animals, fur animals, cats, laboratory animals and fish) or via condemned materials. Submitted to the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 24-25 June 1999 (Containing updates, 13.07.99)
- The policy of breeding and genotyping of sheep, i.e.
The issue whether sheep should be bred to be resistant to scrapie, adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 22-23 July 1999
- Scientific Opinion on the conditions related to "BSE Negligible risk (closed) bovine herds" adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 22-23 July 1999
- Scientific Opinion on the risks of non conventional transmissible agents, conventional infectious agents or other hazards such as toxic substances entering the human food or animal feed chains via raw material from fallen stock and dead animals (including also: ruminants, pigs, poultry, fish, wild/exotic/zoo animals, fur animals, cats, laboratory animals and fish) or via condemned materials (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 24-25 June 1999)
- Opinion on Antimicrobial Resistance - 28 May 1999
- Opinion on Monitoring some important aspects of the evolution of the Epidemic of BSE in Great-Britain (Status, April 1999) adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 27-28 May 1999
- Surveillance of TSEs in sheep and goat in relation to the risk of infection with bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent and related actions to be taken at EU level
- Opinion on a method to assess the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Countries or Regions
- Statement on the SEAC Subgroup report on Research and surveillance for tses in sheep, released in April 1999. Adopted at the SSC meeting of 22-23 April 1999
- Opinion on the possible vertical transmission of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 18-19 March 1999
- Evaluation of the "133°/20'/3 bars heat/pressure conditions" for the production of gelatine regarding its equivalency with commonly used industrial gelatine production processes in terms of its capacity of inactivating/eliminating possible TSE infectivity in the raw material. Report and Opinion adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 21-22 January 1999
- Preliminary-opinion on a method to assess the geographical BSE-Risk of Countries or Regions (adopted on 10 December 1998, open for comments until 15 January 1999)
- Opinion on the safety of bones produced as by-product of the Date Based Export Scheme adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 22-23 October 1998
- Report and Scientific Opinion on the safety of hydrolysed proteins produced from bovine hides. adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 22-23 October 1998
- Scientific Opinion on the safety of organic fertilisers derived from mammalian animals, adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 24-25 September 1998
- Report and Scientific Opinion on mammalian derived meat and bone meal forming a cross-contaminant of animal feedstuffs adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 24-25 September 1998
- Updated scientific report on the safety of meat-and-bone meal derived from mammalian animals fed to non-ruminant food producing farm animals.  Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 24-25 September 1998
- Opinion on The risk of infection of sheep and goats with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy agent.  Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 24-25 September 1998.
- Listing of Specified Risk Materials: a scheme for assessing relative risks to man - Opinion of the Scientific Steering Committee adopted on 9 December 1997 (Re-edited version adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee during its Third Plenary Session of 22-23 January 1998)
- Opinion on possible links between BSE and Organophosphates used as pesticides against ecto- and endoparasites in cattle - Report and opinion adopted at the Scientific Steering Committee meeting of 25-26 June 1998
- Opinion on possible health effects from exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz- 300 GHz) - Report and opinion adopted at the meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of 25-26 June 1998
- The safety of Dicalcium Phosphate precipitated from ruminant bones and used as an animal feed additive - Report and opinion adopted at the meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of 25-26 June 1998, following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 14-15 May 1998
- Opinion on BSE risk Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its plenary meeting of 26-27 March 1998, following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 19-20 February 1998
- Opinion on the safety of tallow derived from ruminant tissues - Adopted at the Scientific Steering Committee meeting of 26-27 March 1998, Following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 19-20 February 1998

Scientific Opinion - The safety of meat and bone meal from mammalian animals, naturally or experimentally susceptible to Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 26-27 March 1998 following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 19-20 February 1998 (Version updated on 3.04.98) AMENDED VERSION


Opinion on the Safety of Gelatine adopted at the Scientific Steering Committee at its plenary meeting of 26-27 March 1998 following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 19-20 February 1998 (Version updated on 3.04.98) AMENDED VERSION

- Opinions adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 19-20 February 1998
- Opinion on defining the BSE risk for specified geographical areas - 23 January 1998
- Report on The UK Date Based Export Scheme and the UK proposal on Compulsory Slaughter of the Offspring of BSE Cases


- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 10-11 March 2003 (218KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 6-7 March 2003 (209KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16-17 January 2003 (206KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 5-6 December 2002 (199KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 7-8 November 2002 (245KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 12-13 September 2002 (235KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 27-28 June 2002 (275KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16 May 2002 (250KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 04-05 April 2002 (238KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 21-22 February 2002 (92KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 10-11 January 2002 (107KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 29-30 November 2001 (86KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 18-19 October 2001 (231KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 6-7 September 2001 (98KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 28-29 June 2001 (57KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 10-11 May 2001 (51KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 29-30 March 2001 (64KB)
- Extract from the minutes of the SSC meeting of 29-30 March 2001 : "The safety of TSE treatment and disposal of animal waste by alkaline hydrolysis at 150°C during 3 Hours and at at least 5 bars"
- Extract from the minutes of the SSC meeting of 29-30 March 2001
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 8-9 February 2001
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 11-12 January 2001 (37KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 7-8 December 2000
- Minutes of the extra-ordinary Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 27-28 November 2000
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 26-27 October 2000
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 14-15 September 2000
- Extract from the minutes of the meeting of 14-15 September 2000 on some TSE-issues that recently emerged in the scientific and popular press
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 6-7 July 2000 (52KB)
- Draft Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 25-26 May 2000 (76KB)
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 13-14 April 2000
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 2-3 March 2000
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 20-21 January 2000
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 9-10 December 1999
- Extract from the minutes of the meeting of 9-10 December 1999 of the Scientific Steering Committee
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 28-29 October 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16-17 September 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 22-23 July 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 24-25 June 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 27-28 May 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 22-23 April 1999
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 18-19 March 1999
- Minutes of the meeting of 18-19 February 1999
- Minutes of the meeting of 21-22 January 1999
- Minutes of the Meeting of 10-11 December 1998
- Minutes of the Meeting of 22-23 October 1998
- Scientific Steering Committee, Minutes of the Meeting of 24-25 September 1998
- Minutes of the Scientific Steering Committee Meeting of 16-17 July 1998
- Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) - Minutes of the Meeting of 25-26 June 1998
- Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) - Minutes of the meeting of 14-15 May 1998
- Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) - Summary minutes of the plenary session of 16-17 April 1998
- Final summary minutes of the Meeting of 26-27 March 1998
- Summary minutes of the meeting of 19-20 February 1998
- Summary minutes of the meeting of 22-23 January 1998
- Summary minutes of the meeting of 8 - 9 December 1997
- Summary Minutes of the meeting of 21.11.1997
- Summary account of the first meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee, held in Brussels on 21 November 1997


- Overview of the BSE risk assessments of the European Commission’s Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)and its TSE/BSE ad hoc Group (1803KB) NEW
- The assessment of the geographical risk of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy carried out worldwide by the European Commission’s Scientific Steering Committee (548KB)
- Final Report on Setting The Scientific Frame For The Inclusion of New Quality of Life Concerns in The Risk Assessment Process (340KB)
- The Second Report on Harmonisation of Risk Assessment Procedures (772KB) :
- Appendix 1 (105KB) - Appendix 5 (770KB)
- Appendix 2 (134KB) - Appendix 6 (301KB)
- Appendix 3 (1031KB) - Appendix 7 (328KB)
- Appendix 4 (224KB)  
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Uruguay – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (179KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Paraguay – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (179KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Lithuania – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (214KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (238KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Estonia – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (74KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Cyprus – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (78KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Costa Rica – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (333KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Chile – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (333KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Brazil – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (399KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Belarus – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (399KB)
- Final Report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Argentina – 2003 ( 10 April 2003) (323KB)
- Final report on the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (adopted by the scientific steering committee at its meeting of 6-7 march 2003) (740KB)
- Final report on the risk assessment for animal populations with emphasis on wild life (adopted by the scientific steering committee at its meeting of 6-7 march 2003) (308KB)
- Report on Chronic Wasting Disease and tissues that might carry a risk for human food and animal feed chains (488KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Singapore – 2003 ( March 2003) (271KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of New Caledonia – 2003 ( March 2003) (197KB)

Final Report : Risk assessment of food borne bacterial pathogens : Quantitative methodology relevant for human exposure assessment (Adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its Plenary Meeting 16-17 January 2003) (1007KB)

- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Greece – 2002 ( December 2002) (96KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of the Principality of Andorra  – 2002 ( December 2002) (377KB)
- Preliminary report on the ecological risk assessment of chemicals discussed by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002 (621KB)
- Preliminary report on the risk assessment for animal populations discussed by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 November 2002 (282KB)
- Final report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of New Zealand - 2002, 07 November 2002 (203KB)
- Report on the safety of sheep intestine and natural casings derived therefrom in regard to risks from animal TSE and BSE in particular.  Report prepared for the TSE/BSE ad hoc group of the Scientific Steering Committee, 7 may 2002 (266KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Israel – 2002 ( September 2002) (250KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Malta – 2002 ( September 2002) (445KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Slovenia – 2002 ( September 2002) (245KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Vanuatu – 2002 ( June 2002) (54KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Turkey – 2002 ( June 2002) (129KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of the Republic of San Marino – 2002 ( June 2002) (79KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Latvia – 2002 ( June 2002) (91KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Iceland – 2002 ( June 2002) (72KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Croatia – 2002 ( June 2002) (108KB)
- Final Report on the assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Bulgaria – 2002 ( June 2002) (281KB)
- Preliminary report on scientific quality of life criteria in risk benefit assessment ( discussed by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 16 may 2002) ( 354KB)
The Commission services invite comments from interested parties. Please send your comments before 31 August 2002 to the following e-mail address: or
- Final report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Finland - 2002 (May 2002) ( 246KB)
- Final report on the updated assessment of the Geographical BSE-Risk (GBR) of Austria - 2002 (May 2002) ( 220KB)
- Preliminary report on Risk assessment of food borne bacterial pathogens: Quantitative methodology relevant for human exposure assessment (958KB)
The Commission services invite interested parties for their comments. Please send your comments before 31 August 2002 at the following e-mail address : or
- Report on: The additional safeguard provided by different culling schemes under the current conditions in the United Kingdom and Germany (prepared by the TSE/BSE ad hoc group as basis for adopting an opinion by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 10-11 january 2002) (99KB)

Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of El Salvador (June 2001) (38KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Nigeria (June 2001) (70KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Panama (June 2001) (37KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Costa Rica (May 2001) (48KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Kenya (May 2001) (77KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Romania (May 2001) (101KB)


Final report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Slovenia (May 2001) (104KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Albania (March 2001) (56KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Brazil (March 2001) (86KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Colombia (March 2001) (65KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Cyprus (March 2001) (90KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of the Czech Republic (March 2001) (120KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Estonia (March 2001) (81KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Hungary (March 2001) (109KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of India (March 2001) (82KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Mauritius (March 2001) (54KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Pakistan (March 2001) (59KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Poland (March 2001) (82KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Singapore (March 2001) (57KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of the Slovak Republic (March 2001) (109KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Botswana (44KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Lithuania (75KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Namibia (57KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Nicaragua (35KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Swaziland (44KB)


Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Uruguay (72KB)


First report on the harmonisation of risk assessment procedures
Part 1  :
The Report of the Scientific Steering Committee's Working Group on Harmonisation of Risk Assessment Procedures in the Scientific Committees advising the European Commission in the area of human and environmental health -  26-27 October 2000 (642KB))
Part 2 : Appendices - 26-27 October 2000 (1121kb)

- Report on: Monitoring Some Important aspects of the evolution of the Epidemic of BSE in Great-Britain, Update providing an epidemiological commentary on BSE projections for Great Britain (GB) and on surveillance, as well as on the occurrence of "Born After the Real Ban - BARB" cases (Submitted by the TSE/BSE ad hoc Group to the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 7-8 December 2000) (57kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Austria (July 2000) (196kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Belgium (July 2000) (202kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Denmark (July 2000) (205kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Finland (July 2000) (214kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of France (July 2000) (217kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Germany (July 2000) (218kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Ireland (July 2000) (226kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Italy (July 2000) (215kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Luxembourg (July 2000) (205kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of The Netherlands (July 2000) (228kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Portugal (July 2000) (223kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Spain (July 2000) (226kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Sweden (July 2000) (206kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of United Kingdom (July 2000) (216kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Argentina (July 2000) (203kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Australia (July 2000) (209kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Canada (July 2000) (209kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Chile (July 2000) (196kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of New Zealand (July 2000) (197kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Norway (July 2000) (198kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Paraguay (July 2000) (189kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of Switzerland (July 2000) (220kb)
- Report on the Assessment of the Geographical BSE - Risk of USA (July 2000) (220kb)
- Updated Report and Scientific Opinion on the safety of hydrolysed proteins produced from bovine hides. Initially adopted by the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 22-23 October 1998 and updated at its meeting of 25-26 May 2000
- Summary report based on the meetings of 14 and 25 october 1999 of the TSE/BSE ad-hoc group of the Scientific Steering Committee on the Scientific Grounds of the advice of 30 September 1999 of the French Food Safety Agency (the Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, AFSSA), to the French Government on the Draft Decree amending the Decree of 28 October 1998 establishing specific measures applicable to certain products of bovine origin exported from the United Kingdom. (Adopted and edited following a written procedure - 26.10-16.11.99)
- Report on The Risk Born by Recycling Animal By-Products as Feed with Regard to Propagating TSE's in Non-ruminant Farmed Animals. Prepared by a Working Group for the Scientific Steering Committee as an input in the elaboration of the opinion on the same subject adopted on 16-17 September 1999
- The possible vertical transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) - Report of the working group submitted to the Scientific Steering Committee at its meeting of 18-19 march 1999
- Opinion on the safety of tallow derived from ruminant tissues - Adopted at the Scientific Steering Committee meeting of 26-27 March 1998, following a public consultation on the preliminary opinion adopted on 19-20 February 1998 (Report of the Working Group updated at the SSC meeting of 10-11 December 1998)
