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Food Safety

Scientific Committees Scientific Steering Committee (former MDSC) Outcome of discussions

Extract from the minutes of the SSC meeting of 29-30 March 2001

The Scientific Steering Committee was invited to address the following question:

"Does the SSC consider that the arguments and scientific data provided in the AFSSA Opinion of 14 February 2001 which updates the list of specified risk materials in ovines and caprines, have not (all) been taken into account by the SSC and justify a revisit of the SSC opinion of 8-9 February 2001 which provides an assessment of the health risk should BSE be found in small ruminants under domestic conditions."

The Scientific Steering Committee considers that the AFSSA opinion of 14 February 2001 (which updates the AFSSA list of specified risk materials in ovines and caprines), does not provide new or additional scientific data which have not been already taken into account by the SSC in its pre-emptive risk assessment of 7-8 February 2001 on should BSE in small ruminants be found under domestic conditions.

The SSC confirms its opinion of 7-8 February 2001, which contains a number of suggestions and recommendations for preparatory actions, surveillance and data collection which would permit the European Community and Member States to be well prepared should it become probable or evident (for example on the basis of this additional data) that BSE is present in small ruminants.


Scientific Committees Scientific Steering Committee (former MDSC) Outcome of discussions


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