Zurück Happy International Coffee Day!

1 October 2021

© I love coffee/Shutterstock.com

In 2020, the EU imported 2.9 million tonnes of coffee from abroad, worth €7.5 billion. The amount has increased by 7% compared with 2010 (2.7 million tonnes).

Infographic: Coffee imports in the EU, 2020

Source dataset: DS-645593

Most of the coffee imported in 2020 from non-EU countries came from two countries: Brazil (933 000 tonnes imported to the EU, or 32% of the total extra-EU imports) and Vietnam (642 000 tonnes, 22%). The following largest extra-EU imports came from Honduras (216 000 tonnes, 7%), Uganda (166 000 tonnes, 6%), Colombia (154 000 tonnes, 5%), India (108 000 tonnes, 4%), Peru (96 000 tonnes, 3%), Ethiopia and Indonesia (both 78 000 tonnes, 3%).
These imports were mainly going into Germany (1.1 million tonnes imported, or 38% of the total extra-EU imports) and Italy (559 000 tonnes, 19%), ahead of Belgium (309 000 tonnes, 11%), Spain (274 000 tonnes, 9%) and France (205 000 tonnes, 7%).

Italy and Germany, top coffee producers

In 2020, over 1.9 million tonnes of coffee were produced in the EU. The amount has increased by 10% compared with 2010 (1.8 million tonnes). The EU’s coffee production was worth almost €11 billion, and it was equivalent to around 4.2 kilograms per inhabitant in 2020.

Infographic: Roasted coffee production in the EU, 2020

Source dataset: DS-066341

Among the EU Member States, Italy produced the most roasted coffee in 2020 (616 000 tonnes, or 32% of the total EU production), followed by Germany (571 000, 30%), which was ahead of France (149 000, 8%), the Netherlands (134 000, 7%), Spain (128 000, 7%) and Sweden (88 000, 5%).

In 2020, these six EU Member States produced 89% of the total EU production of roasted coffee.


For more information:

  • The data on trade consider coffee whether or not roasted or decaffeinated, coffee husks and skins, and coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion. The data on production consider roasted non-decaffeinated coffee and roasted decaffeinated coffee.
  • Slovakia: data on roasted coffee production are confidential and have been suppressed. Hungary, Slovenia: data on non-decaffeinated roasted coffee production are confidential and have been suppressed.
  • Database of statistics on international trade in goods
  • Overview of statistics on international trade in goods
  • Database of statistics on the production of manufactured goods (Prodcom)
  • Overview of statistics on the production of manufactured goods (Prodcom)
  • The United Kingdom is considered as an extra-EU partner country for the EU for the whole period covered by this article. However, the United Kingdom was still part of the internal market until the end of the transition period (31 December 2020), meaning that data on trade with the United Kingdom were still based on statistical concepts applicable to trade between the EU Member States. Consequently, while imports from any other extra-EU trade partner are grouped by country of origin, the United Kingdom data reflect the country of consignment. In practice this means that the goods imported by the EU from the United Kingdom were physically transported from the United Kingdom but part of these goods could have been of other origin than the United Kingdom. For this reason, data on trade with the United Kingdom are not fully comparable with data on trade with other extra-EU trade partners.


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