Zurück Household investment: how countries compare

18. Januar 2019

© PHOTOBUAY/Shutterstock.com

In 2017, household investment rates in the European Union (EU) Member States ranged from highs of 11.3 % in Finland, the Netherlands (11.0 %), Cyprus (10.2 %), Belgium (10.1 %) and Luxembourg (10.0 %) down to less than 6.0 % in Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria and Latvia. Note that there are no data available for Greece, Croatia, Malta and Romania.

Across the EU as a whole, households invested 8.2 % of their gross household disposable income in 2017.

Chart: household investment rate by country, 2017

Households finance their investments by using their disposable income, or by borrowing from the credit market or using their accumulated savings. Household investment mainly consists of the purchase and renovation of dwellings. The residual part includes investment in equipment, machinery, transport equipment and constructions other than dwellings by unincorporated enterprises (principally sole proprietors).

The data source is here.

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