Zurück 1 in 8 deaths are due to heart attacks

29. September 2018

On the occasion of World Heart Day, Eurostat data highlight the extent to which heart attacks are the cause of death in the European Union (EU). In 2015, in the EU as a whole, heart attacks were reported as the cause of death in 12 % of all deaths.

The Member States with the lowest share of deaths caused by heart attacks in 2015 were France and the Netherlands (both 6 %), followed by Portugal (7 %). In these three countries, more men than women died of heart attacks.

In contrast, the Member States with the highest share of deaths caused by heart attacks were Lithuania (38 %), Latvia (29 %) and Slovakia (27 %). In these three countries, more women died of heart attacks than men.

Infographic: countries with highest and lowest rates

The source data are here.

For more information on causes of death, take a look at this Statistics Explained article.