Eurostat's visualisation tool, Top & trending skills, helps users see the most in-demand skills in online job advertisements across the EU by occupation. 

With the latest update, 2023 data is now available for the different visualisations, including a top 10 in-demand skills ranking and their evolution from 2019 to 2023. In addition, the tool provides further distinction into general, specific and digital skills.

Based on an improvement of the algorithms for specific EU languages, new skills have been added to the tool, increasing the coverage of skills for various occupations, especially for managers, professionals, technicians and clerical workers.

Choose an occupation that interests you in your country to discover the skills most requested in online job ads.

Top and trending skills tool screenshot. Click to access the tool.

The skills are extracted from online job ads collected by the Web Intelligence Hub of Eurostat in collaboration with the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). The data is at development stage.