Zurück Largest share of e-shoppers in the north of the EU

17. Januar 2018

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Logo Statistics ExplainedAlmost 7 out of 10 internet users in the EU shopped online in the 12 months prior to the 2017 survey. The proportion of e-shoppers varied considerably across the EU Member States, ranging from 23 % of internet users in Romania, 27 % in Bulgaria and 39 % in Cyprus, to 86 % in the United Kingdom, 84 % in Sweden and 82 % each in Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

E-shoppers in the 16-24 age group purchased mainly clothes and sports goods (71 % of all purchases). Household goods made up 50 % of the e-purchases for those aged 25-54, while 57% of the purchases made online by the older age group (aged 55-74) were for travel and holiday accommodation.


Online shopping 2017

Further information is provided in the Statistics Explained article E-commerce statistics for individuals.