Train for Equality




João Martins


Development Partnership

AFPDM - Associação para Formação Profissional e Desenvolvimento de Montijo


Vocational training fails to systematically address gender equality. The efforts made to develop skills in gender equality among strategic audiences (instructors, managers, entrepreneurs) are still very insignificant and of little impact.


Training entities can use self-training tools, tools for developing critical skills, creating agents for equality and promoting practices of gatherings between piers, targeted at improving training and organisational interventions in the field of Gender Equality.


SKILLS PROFILE - Agents for equality EQUALQUEST - Self-evaluation device CROSS-SECTIONAL SKILLS for Integrating Gender Equality into Vocational Training INSTRUCTOR MEETINGS - A good practice for increasing skills related to equality between women and men


Improvement of interventions of the strategic audiences that were a target of the project. Human resource instructors and managers use and recommend the products. Various organisations use them in various contexts and recommend use of the device "equalquest" for developing gender equality skills.