On the Way toward Quality




António Martins


Development Partnership

Elo Social - Associação para a Integração e o Apoio ao Deficiênte Jovem e Adulto


Formal standardised Quality systems do notdevelop sufficient central quality assessment dimensions as regards Social Organisations. This is where issues of ethics at institutions, promotion of Quality of Life of the clients of the services provided by the institutions and the specificity of the Psycho-social Programs developed by them come in.


A Standard of Ethics was designed, developed, tried and validated for Social Organisations. A Good Practices guide was created on a documental and experience basis with the participation of a significant number of institutions that have Occupational Activities Cenre (CAO) services, with the aim of promoting the quality of life of its clients. This instrument can be transferred to the reality of other social responses. An instrument for assessing social programs was created, tried and validated, cross-sectionally applicable to all the psycho-social programs developed at the IPSS.


RPQ Ethics - Standard of Ethics for the IPSS RPQ CAO - Standard for Promoting Quality of Life at the Occupational Activities Centres RPQ Programs - Standard for Promoting Quality in Social Programs


All of Portugal is covered, except the region of Madeira. 2530 target institutions for promoting our Products. 160 institutions involved (Needs Diagnostic, Design, Experimentation, Appropriation and Incorporation). 37 institutions agreed to incorporate the Products: RPQ-Programs: 20 Institutions RPQ-CAO: 24 Institutions RPQ-Ethics: 30 Institutions Favourable opinion from ISS, IP and the President of the Commission for the Protection of Minors and Young People at Risk.