AFEP - Associação para a Formação de Pais




Maria da Conceição Seabra Gomes


Development Partnership

AFEP - Associação para a Formação de Pais


From a general point of view, improvement of the social climate of the company and balance between productivity and the well-being of the workers, while from a specific point of view, the need to create an integrating balance between professional and family responsibilities.


Creation and invigoration of awareness/reflection groups at companies, regarding time management and parent training from the point of view of reconciling family/personal life with a professional activity, involving groups from various levels of the structure of companies. Parent training seeks to create awareness among parents regarding the importance of their role as the main persons responsible for their children. They are encouraged to reflect and acquire knowledge that develops their parenting skills. This intervention supports parents on the basis of the belief that confident parents create a more harmonious family environment that sparks more balanced development within the family. The support given to parents in terms of their parenting skills strengthens their perception of their efficacy in this role, producing a positive effect on their availability and involvement in their professional activity.


Be More, Reconcile Better Kit - Formative Solutions for improving reconciliation of family/personal life with a professional activity within an employment context.


Reduction of the conflict between work and family. The employees of the companies stated that the stressful situations experienced in the workplace were less harmful to their families. This reconciliation is crucial for the employees, helping to reduce their levels of discomfort (e.g. anxiety, depression and exhaustion), helping increase their well-being (e.g. enthusiasm, comfort and motivation).