ADAPT - Home Care in Amadora in Partnership




Ana Moreno


Development Partnership

Município da Amadora


The Social Diagnostic of the Municipality of Amadora conducted in 2004 within the scope of the Amadora Social Network, illustrated an aging population with a great number of dependent people. It was also found that institutions are notoriously incapable of responding to the amount and complexity of the cases detected.


The "Quality" activity developed a process of implementing the Quality Model of the ISS at SAD institutions in Amadora. The participating entities received consulting support regarding Quality, along with specific training that has helped operationalise the concepts and methodology proposed by the Model. Qualification of the Institutions made it possible to improve their management, along with the services offered to the use/client. The "Interactive Platform for Managing the Common Waiting List" arranged the same SAD institutions into a network in view of establishing partnership work. It created a single waiting list available on-line, which provided a quicker more effective response to the user, contributing to Equal Opportunity in the selection process. The innovative work methodology made it possible to optimise the resources of the institutions.


Quality Manual and Standard Internal Regulations Interactive Platform for Managing the Common Waiting List


At the end of the A2 of the ADAPT Project, 11 institutions from Amadora had implemented level C of the ISS Model in the SAD, 3 of these certified their Management Systems in accordance with ISO 9001.