Equality: New Paths!




Patricia Pires


Development Partnership

Fundação Irene Rolo


• Need to encourage personal and social development of vulnerable groups, namely women unemployed for a long time, young people that have dropped out of school, people who are disabled and Eastern European immigrants. • Need to change, among the corporate fabric of eth region and society in general, negative and degrading images created in relation to vulnerable groups • Need to encourage social responsibility of the companies of the region.


Drafting, implementation and assessment of a social marketing plan that allowed for: -systematic and organised social intervention, -simultaneously involving three distinct plans in a cooperative manner: vulnerable corporate groups and society in general, -cross visions on employability of vulnerable target groups, favouring the involvement of various local actors, -identify opportunities and threats to integration of vulnerable groups, -establish, in a participative manner, objectives and strategies for increasing the skills of beneficiaries and entrepreneurs in view of changing behaviour and values related to employability of people with difficulty in accessing the labour market.


"Social Marketing Techniques Guidelines"


Involvement of 53 beneficiaries in an awareness/training activity allowing: (i) strengthening of personal, social and professional skills; (ii) professional integration of 15 people; (iii) referral of 9 people to vocational and scholastic training; (iv) creation of 2 self-employment projects. Involvement of 42 entrepreneurs in awareness activities for employability of vulnerable persons.