Equality Workshop - From School to the Company, Working Equality




Nuno Martins Martins


Development Partnership

Associação Industrial do Minho


Young people: Other information about intermediate level professions that exist in the school guidance councillor industry: have access to tools and instruments that support the activity, increasing the capacity to intervene with young people. Entrepreneurs: have access to instruments that will allow them to adopt formal management and diversity policies Workers: Know which are the questions associated with Equal Opportunity School community/business fabric: increase cooperation between school and the business world


Promote school diversity management to companies. Develop instruments that support self-training and the activity of vocational guidance councillors. Develop methodologies/instruments for intervention that promote Social Responsibility of Companies. Design and implement training plans for managing diversity in school and in companies.


Technological Orientation Guide Intervention Guide for Implementing Company Social Responsibility Management Systems


Young people: changes related to professional choices Guidance Councillors: development of skills that allow them to illustrate and the pertinence and advantages of being joining industrial professions Companies (entrepreneurs and staff): commitment to a policy of equality, leading to greater awareness of existing problems, hearing all the protagonists and analysing their role in the company.